模拟 Laravel 配置缓存

Mocking Laravel configuration cache

我正在编写一个新的 artisan 命令,如果配置被缓存(通过 config:cache),我不想 运行:

class NewCommand extends Command
    public function handle()
        if (app()->configurationIsCached())
            $this->error('Configuration is cached.  Unable to run command');
            return 1;


public function test_command_not_run_if_config_cached()

        ->expectsOutput('Configuration is cached.  Unable to run command');

结果:Method configurationIsCached() from Mockery_0_Illuminate_Foundation_Application should be called exactly 1 times but called 0 times


原来 configurationIsCached()App 外观上可用。目前没有记录,但将命令中的句柄函数更新为

public function handle()
    if (App::configurationIsCached())
        $this->error('Configuration is cached.  Unable to run command');
        return 1;

允许测试通过。感谢@Namosheck 指出这一点