将 shapefile 转换为整个文件夹集的栅格时出现循环错误
loop error in converting shapefiles to raster for entire folder set
我的代码从 shapefile 创建了一个栅格,但现在我试图让它循环遍历特定文件夹中的所有 shapefile,但我在循环中仍然遇到错误。请问有人可以看一下吗?
RuntimeError: not a string.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 14 14:17:53 2018
@author: me
from osgeo import ogr, gdal
import subprocess
import os
#change directory
#Name of folder containing all shapefiles to be transformed
folder = 'region_shapes'
#Accesses all shapefiles in the folder (even if there are 100 or 1000 shapefiles)
shapefiles = [folder + '/' + file for file in os.listdir(folder) if 'shp' in file]
#creates object/folder for storing rasterized version (fills in later)
OutputImages = 'Imagefolder'
#Create an output directory (puts the new geotiffs into a separate folder) if none exists
if not os.path.exists(OutputImages):
#reference with which to grab resolution (x/y spacing, projection and geotransformation)
RefImage = '/Users/ETa_CMRSET_mm-month-1_monthly_2000.01.01.tif'
gdalformat = 'GTiff'
datatype = gdal.GDT_Byte
burnVal = 1 #value for the output image pixels
# Get projection info from reference image
Image = gdal.Open(RefImage, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
for i in shapefiles:
shapefiles[i][-9:-3] = ogr.Open(shapefiles)
Shapefile_layer = Shapefile.GetLayer()
# Rasterize
print("Rasterising shapefile...")
Output = gdal.GetDriverByName(gdalformat).Create(OutputImages, Image.RasterXSize, Image.RasterYSize, 1, datatype, options=['COMPRESS=DEFLATE'])
# Write data to band 1
Band = Output.GetRasterBand(1)
gdal.RasterizeLayer(Output, [1], Shapefile_layer, burn_values=[burnVal])
# Close datasets
Band = None
Output = None
Image = None
Shapefile = None
# Build image overviews
subprocess.call("gdaladdo --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW DEFLATE "+OutputImages+" 2 4 8 16 32 64", shell=True)
for shapefile in shapefiles:
ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
ds_layer = ds.GetLayer()
我将它重命名为 ds,因为它不再是一个 shapefile,而是一个加载了 ogr 的 ogr 数据源。
我的代码从 shapefile 创建了一个栅格,但现在我试图让它循环遍历特定文件夹中的所有 shapefile,但我在循环中仍然遇到错误。请问有人可以看一下吗?
RuntimeError: not a string.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 14 14:17:53 2018
@author: me
from osgeo import ogr, gdal
import subprocess
import os
#change directory
#Name of folder containing all shapefiles to be transformed
folder = 'region_shapes'
#Accesses all shapefiles in the folder (even if there are 100 or 1000 shapefiles)
shapefiles = [folder + '/' + file for file in os.listdir(folder) if 'shp' in file]
#creates object/folder for storing rasterized version (fills in later)
OutputImages = 'Imagefolder'
#Create an output directory (puts the new geotiffs into a separate folder) if none exists
if not os.path.exists(OutputImages):
#reference with which to grab resolution (x/y spacing, projection and geotransformation)
RefImage = '/Users/ETa_CMRSET_mm-month-1_monthly_2000.01.01.tif'
gdalformat = 'GTiff'
datatype = gdal.GDT_Byte
burnVal = 1 #value for the output image pixels
# Get projection info from reference image
Image = gdal.Open(RefImage, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
for i in shapefiles:
shapefiles[i][-9:-3] = ogr.Open(shapefiles)
Shapefile_layer = Shapefile.GetLayer()
# Rasterize
print("Rasterising shapefile...")
Output = gdal.GetDriverByName(gdalformat).Create(OutputImages, Image.RasterXSize, Image.RasterYSize, 1, datatype, options=['COMPRESS=DEFLATE'])
# Write data to band 1
Band = Output.GetRasterBand(1)
gdal.RasterizeLayer(Output, [1], Shapefile_layer, burn_values=[burnVal])
# Close datasets
Band = None
Output = None
Image = None
Shapefile = None
# Build image overviews
subprocess.call("gdaladdo --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW DEFLATE "+OutputImages+" 2 4 8 16 32 64", shell=True)
for shapefile in shapefiles:
ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
ds_layer = ds.GetLayer()
我将它重命名为 ds,因为它不再是一个 shapefile,而是一个加载了 ogr 的 ogr 数据源。