使用 Flutter 的 Cupertino 小部件,我如何触发底部标签栏顶部的水平页面转换

Using Flutter's Cupertino widgets, how do I trigger a horizontal page transition on top of bottom tab bars



警告:它可以在 iOS 中实现,但不一定是应用程序的良好信息架构,Apple 的人机界面指南也不推荐。

请参阅 App Architecture's Navigation section and the Bars' Tab Bars 部分。

Use a tab bar to present peer categories of content or functionality. A tab bar lets people quickly and easily switch between categories, regardless of the current location.

In general, use a tab bar to organize information at the app level. A tab bar is a good way to flatten your information hierarchy and provide access to several peer information categories or modes at once.

在 Flutter 中,水平页面转换的常见 iOS 并行导航模式 每个选项卡中是通过让每个选项卡都有自己的导航器和导航堆栈来实现的 =14=]秒。

要撤消该模式并在 选项卡上方 进行水平页面转换,请不要将 CupertinoTabViews 作为每个选项卡的根子项插入。这将删除 iOS.



  builder: (BuildContext context) => ...,


rootNavigator 设置为 true 将解决此问题

Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).push(MaterialPageRoute(
      builder: (context) => NEWROUTE(),