必须在 Prolog 中使用约束

Obliged to use Constraints in Prolog

我目前正在尝试仅使用 clpfd 序言库提供的约束来解决这个难题 houses,这意味着我无法使用回溯!

基本上我想找出应该建造哪对房屋,以便所有连接之间只有 2 个距离。

我的输入是这样的坐标列表 [[0,0],[0,3],[2,0],[3,0],[2,1],[3,1],[2,2],[3,3]] 解决方案是:



    %There are only 2 distances and they're different
    length(Distances, 2),

    %One connection per 2 houses (pairs) means half the number of houses as connections
    length(Houses, NHouses),
    NConnections #= NHouses // 2,
    length(Connections, NConnections),

    restrictDistances(Connections, Distances), %restrict every connection to have one of the two distances

    %All the houses must be connected
    append(Connections, ConnectedHouses),
    ensureAllConnected(Houses, ConnectedHouses), %table

    removeSymmetries(Connections), %avoid symmetries

    %flatten list and labeling
    append(ConnectedHouses, HousesCoordinates),
    labeling([], HousesCoordinates),

    All distances of all connections are one of the two distances
    Distance is kept squared to keep it an integer i.e. dist(connection) = dist([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]) = (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2
restrictDistances([], _).
restrictDistances([[[X1, Y1], [X2, Y2]]|Connections], Distances):-
    DiffX #= X2 - X1,
    DiffY #= Y2 - Y1,
    Dis #= DiffX * DiffX + DiffY * DiffY,
    % element(Idx, Distances, Dis), %element
    member(Dis, Distances), %element
    restrictDistances(Connections, Distances).

    Ensures all houses are connected
ensureAllConnected([], _).
ensureAllConnected([H|Houses], ConnectedHouses):-
    member(H, ConnectedHouses),
    % element(_, ConnectedHouses, H),
    ensureAllConnected(Houses, ConnectedHouses).

    Remove symmetries and connection permutations in final result
removeSymmetries([[[X1, _], [X2, _]], [[X3, Y3], [X4, Y4]]|Connections]):-
    X1 #=< X2,
    X1 #=< X3,
    X3 #=< X4,
    removeSymmetries([[[X3, Y3], [X4, Y4]]|Connections]).

最糟糕的是此代码有效,但是不能使用谓词member,因为它使用了回溯...是的,谓词element 存在,但我无法用它替换,因为如果我替换第一个,输出是不同的,如果我替换第二个,我会得到一个实例化错误。



  • 您需要找到匹配项 - 可以使用 assignment(Xs,Xs)
  • 您可以使用 table/2(house,house,distance) 关系进行编码。
  • 可以使用nvalue/2来约束 不同距离的数量。

这些是 SICStus Prolog 中的全局约束。