使用 GPU 计算 Python/Numba 中前 N 个最近城市的更好方法

Better way to compute Top N closest cities in Python/Numba using GPU

我有 M~200k 个点,城市的 X、Y 坐标打包在一个 Mx2 numpy 数组中。 目的是,对于每个城市,计算前 N 个最近的城市和 return 它们的索引和到 MxN numpy 矩阵中该城市的距离。 Numba 很好地加速了我在 CPU 上的串行 python 代码,并使用 prange 生成器使其成为多线程,这样在 16 核 SSE 4.2/AVX 机器上调用计算 30 个最近的城市在 6 分 26 秒内完成,同时使所有核心饱和:

def get_closest(n,N_CLOSEST,coords,i):
    for j in range(n):
    return indices,dist[indices]

def get_top_T_closest_cities(coords,T):



    for i in prange(n):
    return closest_cities,closest_distances


注:我想用 mrange=np.arange(N_CLOSEST) 和 指数=np.argpartition(距离,范围) 后来为了节省一些周期,但不幸的是 Numba 还不支持 np.argpartition。

然后我决定好好利用我新买的 RTX 2070,并尝试将这些非常并行的自然计算卸载到 GPU,再次使用 Numba 和可能的 CuPy。

经过一番思考,我想出了一个相对愚蠢的重写,其中一次处理一个城市的 GPU 内核为 M 个城市中的每一个城市连续调用。在那个内核中,每个 GPU 线程都在计算它的距离并保存到 dist 数组中的特定位置。所有数组都分配在设备上以最小化 PCI 数据传输:

import cupy as cp
def get_top_T_closest_cities_gpu(coords,T):


    for i in range(n):
        if (i % 1000)==0:
    return cp.asnumpy(closest_cities),cp.asnumpy(closest_distances)
def get_distances(coords,i,n,dist):
    stride = cuda.gridsize(1)
    start = cuda.grid(1)    
    for j in range(start, n, stride):
def get_closest(n,N_CLOSEST,coords,i,dist):    
    return indices,dist[indices]

现在,GPU 上的计算结果花费了几乎相同的 6 分钟时间,但 GPU 负载仅为 1%(是的,我确保 return 由 CPU 编辑的结果和 GPU 版本相同).我玩了一下块大小,没有看到任何明显的变化。有趣的是,cp.argsortget_distances 消耗的处理时间份额大致相同。

我觉得这与流有关,如何正确地初始化很多流?这将是重用我的代码的最直接方法,一次处理的不是 1 个城市,而是 16 个或我的计算能力允许的任何城市,理想情况下可能是 1000 个。

你们这些在 Numba/CuPy 中有 GPU 编码经验的人会建议在我的案例中充分利用 GPU 的能力吗?

来自纯 C++ CUDA 辩护者的建议也非常受欢迎,因为我还没有看到原生 Cuda 解决方案与 Numba/CuPy CUDA 解决方案的比较。

Python 版本:['3.6.3 |Anaconda, Inc'] 平台:AMD64 系统:Windows-10-10.0.14393-SP0 Numba 版本:0.41.0

您似乎对基于 CUDA C++ 的答案感兴趣,所以我提供一个。将这个内核转换为等效的 numba cuda jit 内核应该很简单;翻译过程相当机械。


  • 为每个线程分配一个城市(该线程的参考城市)
  • 每个线程遍历所有城市计算到其参考城市的成对距离
  • 在计算每个距离时,会检查它是否在当前 "closest cities" 范围内。这里的方法是为每个线程保留一个 运行ning 列表。当每个线程计算一个新距离时,它会检查该距离是否小于 运行ning 列表中的当前最大距离。如果是,则当前最大值 distance/city 将替换为刚刚计算的最大值。
  • "closest cities" 的列表及其距离保存在共享内存中。
  • 所有距离计算完成后,每个线程然后排序并将其共享缓冲区中的值写入全局内存
  • 这个基本计划有几个 "optimizations"。一种是每个warp一次读取32个连续的值,然后使用shuffle操作在线程之间传递这些值,以减少全局内存流量。


此内核的性能会因您使用的 GPU 而有很大差异 运行。例如,在特斯拉 P100 上,它 运行s 大约需要 0.5s。在 Tesla K40 上大约需要 6 秒。在 Quadro K2000 上大约需要 40 秒。

这是 Tesla P100 的完整测试用例:

$ cat t364.cu
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <thrust/sort.h>

const int ncities = 200064;  // should be divisible by nTPB
const int nclosest = 32;     // maximum 48
const int nTPB = 128;        // should be multiple of 32
const float FLOAT_MAX = 999999.0f;

__device__ void init_shared(float *d, int n){
  int idx = threadIdx.x;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    d[idx] = FLOAT_MAX;
    idx += nTPB;}

__device__ int find_max(float *d, int n){
  int idx = threadIdx.x;
  int max = 0;
  float maxd = d[idx];
  for (int i = 1; i < n; i++){
    idx += nTPB;
    float next = d[idx];
    if (maxd < next){
      max = i;
      maxd = next;}}
  return max;

__device__ float compute_sqdist(float2 c1, float2 c2){
  return (c1.x - c2.x)*(c1.x - c2.x) + (c1.y - c2.y)*(c1.y - c2.y);

__device__ void sort_and_store_sqrt(int idx, float *closest_dist, int *closest_id, float *dist,  int *city, int n, int n_cities)
  for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--){
    int max = find_max(dist, n);
    closest_dist[idx + i*n_cities] = sqrtf(dist[max*nTPB+threadIdx.x]);
    closest_id[idx + i*n_cities] = city[max*nTPB+threadIdx.x];
    dist[max*nTPB+threadIdx.x] = 0.0f;}

__device__ void shuffle(int &city_id, float2 &next_city_xy, int my_warp_lane){

  int src_lane = (my_warp_lane+1)&31;
  city_id = __shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, city_id, src_lane);
  next_city_xy.x = __shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, next_city_xy.x, src_lane);
  next_city_xy.y = __shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, next_city_xy.y, src_lane);

__global__ void k(const float2 * __restrict__ cities, float * __restrict__ closest_dist, int * __restrict__ closest_id, const int n_cities){

  __shared__  float dist[nclosest*nTPB];
  __shared__  int   city[nclosest*nTPB];

  int idx = threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
  int my_warp_lane = (threadIdx.x & 31);
  init_shared(dist, nclosest);
  float2 my_city_xy = cities[idx];
  float last_max = FLOAT_MAX;
  for (int i = 0; i < n_cities; i+=32){
    int city_id = i+my_warp_lane;
    float2 next_city_xy = cities[city_id];
    for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++){
      if (j > 0) shuffle(city_id, next_city_xy, my_warp_lane);
      if (idx != city_id){
        float my_dist = compute_sqdist(my_city_xy, next_city_xy);
        if (my_dist < last_max){
          int max = find_max(dist, nclosest);
          last_max = dist[max*nTPB+threadIdx.x];
          if (my_dist < last_max) {
            dist[max*nTPB+threadIdx.x] = my_dist;
            city[max*nTPB+threadIdx.x] = city_id;}}}}}
  sort_and_store_sqrt(idx, closest_dist, closest_id, dist, city, nclosest, n_cities);

void on_cpu(float2 *cities, float *dists, int *ids){
  thrust::host_vector<int> my_ids(ncities);
  thrust::host_vector<float> my_dists(ncities);
  for (int i = 0; i < ncities; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < ncities; j++){
      my_ids[j] = j;
      if (i != j) my_dists[j] = sqrtf((cities[i].x - cities[j].x)*(cities[i].x - cities[j].x) + (cities[i].y - cities[j].y)*(cities[i].y - cities[j].y));
      else my_dists[j] = FLOAT_MAX;}
    thrust::sort_by_key(my_dists.begin(), my_dists.end(), my_ids.begin());
    for (int j = 0; j < nclosest; j++){
      dists[i+j*ncities] = my_dists[j];
      ids[i+j*ncities] = my_ids[j];}

int main(){

  float2 *h_cities, *d_cities;
  float *h_closest_dist, *d_closest_dist, *h_closest_dist_cpu;
  int *h_closest_id, *d_closest_id, *h_closest_id_cpu;

  cudaMalloc(&d_cities, ncities*sizeof(float2));
  cudaMalloc(&d_closest_dist, nclosest*ncities*sizeof(float));
  cudaMalloc(&d_closest_id, nclosest*ncities*sizeof(int));

  h_cities = new float2[ncities];
  h_closest_dist = new float[ncities*nclosest];
  h_closest_id = new int[ncities*nclosest];
  h_closest_dist_cpu = new float[ncities*nclosest];
  h_closest_id_cpu = new int[ncities*nclosest];

  for (int i = 0; i < ncities; i++){
    h_cities[i].x = (rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)*10.0f;
    h_cities[i].y = (rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)*10.0f;}

  cudaMemcpy(d_cities, h_cities, ncities*sizeof(float2), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
  k<<<ncities/nTPB, nTPB>>>(d_cities, d_closest_dist, d_closest_id, ncities);
  cudaMemcpy(h_closest_dist, d_closest_dist, ncities*nclosest*sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
  cudaMemcpy(h_closest_id, d_closest_id, ncities*nclosest*sizeof(int),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
  for (int i = 0; i < nclosest; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) std::cout << h_closest_id[j+i*ncities] << ","  << h_closest_dist[j+i*ncities] << "   ";
    std::cout << std::endl;}
  if (ncities < 5000){
    on_cpu(h_cities, h_closest_dist_cpu, h_closest_id_cpu);
    for (int i = 0; i < ncities*nclosest; i++)
      if (h_closest_id_cpu[i] != h_closest_id[i]) {std::cout << "mismatch at: " << i << " was: " << h_closest_id[i] << " should be: " << h_closest_id_cpu[i] << std::endl; return -1;}
  return 0;

$ nvcc -o t364 t364.cu
$ nvprof ./t364
==31871== NVPROF is profiling process 31871, command: ./t364
33581,0.00466936   116487,0.0163371   121419,0.0119542   138585,0.00741395   187892,0.0205568
56138,0.0106946   105637,0.0195111   175565,0.0132018   121719,0.0090809   198333,0.0269794
36458,0.014851   6942,0.0244329   67920,0.013367   140919,0.014739   91533,0.0348142
48152,0.0221216   146867,0.0250192   14656,0.020469   163149,0.0247639   162442,0.0354359
3681,0.0226946   127671,0.0265515   32841,0.0219539   109520,0.0359874   21346,0.0424094
20903,0.0313963   3075,0.0279635   79787,0.0220388   106161,0.0365807   24186,0.0453916
191226,0.0316818   4168,0.0297535   126726,0.0246147   154598,0.0374218   62106,0.0459001
185573,0.0349628   76270,0.030849   122878,0.0249695   124897,0.0447656   38124,0.0463704
71252,0.037517   18879,0.0350544   112410,0.0299296   102006,0.0462593   12361,0.0464608
172641,0.0399721   134288,0.035077   39252,0.031506   164570,0.0470057   81105,0.0502873
18960,0.0433545   53266,0.0360357   195467,0.0334281   36715,0.0470069   153375,0.0508115
163568,0.0442928   95544,0.0361058   151839,0.0398384   114041,0.0490263   8524,0.0511531
182326,0.047519   59919,0.0362906   90810,0.0408069   52013,0.0494515   16793,0.0525569
169860,0.048417   77412,0.036694   12065,0.0414496   137863,0.0494703   197500,0.0537481
40158,0.0492621   34592,0.0377113   54812,0.041594   58792,0.049532   70501,0.0541114
121444,0.0501154   102800,0.0414865   96238,0.0433548   34323,0.0531493   161527,0.0551868
118564,0.0509228   82832,0.0449587   167965,0.0439488   104475,0.0534779   66968,0.0572788
60136,0.0528873   88318,0.0455667   118562,0.0462537   129853,0.0535594   7544,0.0588875
95975,0.0587857   65792,0.0479467   124929,0.046828   116360,0.0537344   37341,0.0594454
62542,0.0592229   57399,0.0509665   186583,0.0470843   47571,0.0541045   81275,0.0596965
11499,0.0607943   28314,0.0512354   23730,0.0518801   176089,0.0543222   562,0.06527
131594,0.0611795   23120,0.0515408   25933,0.0547776   117474,0.0557752   194499,0.0657885
23959,0.0623019   137283,0.0533193   173000,0.0577509   157537,0.0566689   193091,0.0666895
5660,0.0629772   15498,0.0555821   161025,0.0596721   123148,0.0589929   147928,0.0672529
51033,0.063036   15456,0.0565314   145859,0.0601408   3012,0.0601779   107646,0.0687241
26790,0.0643055   99659,0.0576798   33153,0.0603556   48388,0.0617377   47566,0.0689055
178826,0.0655352   143209,0.058413   101960,0.0604994   22146,0.0620504   91118,0.0705487
32108,0.0672866   172089,0.058676   17885,0.0638383   137318,0.0624543   138223,0.0716578
38125,0.0678566   42847,0.0609811   10879,0.0681518   154360,0.0633921   96195,0.0723226
96583,0.0683073   169703,0.0621889   100839,0.0721133   28595,0.0661302   20422,0.0731882
98329,0.0683718   50432,0.0636618   84204,0.0733909   181919,0.066552   75375,0.0736715
75814,0.0694582   161714,0.0674298   89049,0.0749184   151275,0.0679411   37849,0.0739173
==31871== Profiling application: ./t364
==31871== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:   95.66%  459.88ms         1  459.88ms  459.88ms  459.88ms  k(float2 const *, float*, int*, int)
                    4.30%  20.681ms         2  10.340ms  10.255ms  10.425ms  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
                    0.04%  195.55us         1  195.55us  195.55us  195.55us  [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
      API calls:   58.18%  482.42ms         3  160.81ms  472.46us  470.80ms  cudaMemcpy
                   41.05%  340.38ms         3  113.46ms  322.83us  339.73ms  cudaMalloc
                    0.55%  4.5490ms       384  11.846us     339ns  503.79us  cuDeviceGetAttribute
                    0.16%  1.3131ms         4  328.27us  208.85us  513.66us  cuDeviceTotalMem
                    0.05%  407.13us         4  101.78us  93.796us  118.27us  cuDeviceGetName
                    0.01%  61.719us         1  61.719us  61.719us  61.719us  cudaLaunchKernel
                    0.00%  23.965us         4  5.9910us  3.9830us  8.9510us  cuDeviceGetPCIBusId
                    0.00%  6.8440us         8     855ns     390ns  1.8150us  cuDeviceGet
                    0.00%  3.7490us         3  1.2490us     339ns  2.1300us  cuDeviceGetCount
                    0.00%  2.0260us         4     506ns     397ns     735ns  cuDeviceGetUuid

CUDA 10.0、Tesla P100、CentOS 7

该代码包括验证的可能性,但它根据基于 CPU 的原始代码验证结果,这需要更长的时间。所以我将验证限制在较小的测试用例中,例如。 4096个城市。

这是使用 numba cuda 对上述代码的 "translated" 近似。它似乎 运行 比 CUDA C++ 版本慢大约 2 倍,但事实并非如此。 (促成因素之一似乎是 sqrt 函数的使用——它对 numba 代码有显着的性能影响,但对 CUDA C++ 代码没有性能影响。它可能使用双精度实现在 numba CUDA 的引擎盖下。)无论如何,它提供了如何在 numba 中实现它的参考:

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import math
from numba import cuda,float32,int32

# number of cities, should be divisible by threadblock size
N = 200064
# number of "closest" cities
TN = 32
#number of threads per block
threadsperblock = 128
#shared memory size of each array in elements
def find_max(dist):
    idx = cuda.threadIdx.x
    mymax = 0
    maxd = dist[idx]
    for i in range(TN-1):
        idx += threadsperblock
        mynext = dist[idx]
        if maxd < mynext:
            mymax = i+1
            maxd = mynext
    return mymax

@cuda.jit('void(float32[:], float32[:], float32[:], int32[:], int32)')
def k(citiesx, citiesy, td, ti, nc):
    dist = cuda.shared.array(smSize, float32)
    city = cuda.shared.array(smSize, int32)
    idx = cuda.grid(1)
    tid = cuda.threadIdx.x
    wl = tid & 31
    my_city_x = citiesx[idx];
    my_city_y = citiesy[idx];
    last_max = 99999.0
    for i in range(TN):
        dist[tid+i*threadsperblock] = 99999.0
    for i in xrange(0,nc,32):
        city_id = i+wl
        next_city_x = citiesx[city_id]
        next_city_y = citiesy[city_id]
        for j in range(32):
            if j > 0:
                src_lane = (wl+1)&31
                city_id = cuda.shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, city_id, src_lane)
                next_city_x = cuda.shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, next_city_x, src_lane)
                next_city_y = cuda.shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, next_city_y, src_lane)
            if idx != city_id:
                my_dist = (next_city_x - my_city_x)*(next_city_x - my_city_x) + (next_city_y - my_city_y)*(next_city_y - my_city_y)
                if my_dist < last_max:
                    mymax = find_max(dist)
                    last_max = dist[mymax*threadsperblock+tid]
                    if my_dist < last_max:
                        dist[mymax*threadsperblock+tid] = my_dist
                        city[mymax*threadsperblock+tid] = city_id
    for i in range(TN):
        mymax = find_max(dist)
        td[idx+i*nc] = math.sqrt(dist[mymax*threadsperblock+tid])
        ti[idx+i*nc] = city[mymax*threadsperblock+tid]
        dist[mymax*threadsperblock+tid] = 0

#peform test
cx  = np.random.rand(N).astype(np.float32)
cy  = np.random.rand(N).astype(np.float32)

td = np.zeros(N*TN, dtype=np.float32)
ti = np.zeros(N*TN, dtype=np.int32)

d_cx = cuda.to_device(cx)
d_cy = cuda.to_device(cy)
d_td = cuda.device_array_like(td)
d_ti = cuda.device_array_like(ti)
k[N/threadsperblock, threadsperblock](d_cx, d_cy, d_td, d_ti, N)
for i in range(TN):
    for j in range(1):

我没有在这个 numba cuda 变体中包含验证,因此它可能包含缺陷。

编辑:通过将上述代码示例从每个块 128 个线程切换到每个块 64 个线程,代码将 运行 明显更快。这是由于根据共享内存占用限制器,这允许增加理论占用率和实现占用率。

正如 max9111 在评论中所指出的,存在更好的算法。这是上面 python 代码和基于树的算法(借用答案 here)之间的比较(在非常慢的 GPU 上):

$ cat t27.py
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import math
from numba import cuda,float32,int32
from scipy import spatial
import time

#Create some coordinates and indices
#It is assumed that the coordinates are unique (only one entry per hydrant)
ncities = 200064
Indices=np.arange(ncities) #Indices
nnear = 33
def get_indices_of_nearest_neighbours(Coords,Indices):
  #k=4 because the first entry is the nearest neighbour
  # of a point with itself
  res=tree.query(Coords, k=nnear)[1][:,1:]
  return Indices[res]

start = time.time()
a = get_indices_of_nearest_neighbours(Coords, Indices)
end = time.time()
print (a.shape[0],a.shape[1])
print(end -start)

# number of cities, should be divisible by threadblock size
N = ncities
# number of "closest" cities
TN = nnear - 1
#number of threads per block
threadsperblock = 64
#shared memory size of each array in elements
def find_max(dist):
    idx = cuda.threadIdx.x
    mymax = 0
    maxd = dist[idx]
    for i in range(TN-1):
        idx += threadsperblock
        mynext = dist[idx]
        if maxd < mynext:
            mymax = i+1
            maxd = mynext
    return mymax

@cuda.jit('void(float32[:], float32[:], float32[:], int32[:], int32)')
def k(citiesx, citiesy, td, ti, nc):
    dist = cuda.shared.array(smSize, float32)
    city = cuda.shared.array(smSize, int32)
    idx = cuda.grid(1)
    tid = cuda.threadIdx.x
    wl = tid & 31
    my_city_x = citiesx[idx];
    my_city_y = citiesy[idx];
    last_max = 99999.0
    for i in range(TN):
        dist[tid+i*threadsperblock] = 99999.0
    for i in xrange(0,nc,32):
        city_id = i+wl
        next_city_x = citiesx[city_id]
        next_city_y = citiesy[city_id]
        for j in range(32):
            if j > 0:
                src_lane = (wl+1)&31
                city_id = cuda.shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, city_id, src_lane)
                next_city_x = cuda.shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, next_city_x, src_lane)
                next_city_y = cuda.shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, next_city_y, src_lane)
            if idx != city_id:
                my_dist = (next_city_x - my_city_x)*(next_city_x - my_city_x) + (next_city_y - my_city_y)*(next_city_y - my_city_y)
                if my_dist < last_max:
                    mymax = find_max(dist)
                    last_max = dist[mymax*threadsperblock+tid]
                    if my_dist < last_max:
                        dist[mymax*threadsperblock+tid] = my_dist
                        city[mymax*threadsperblock+tid] = city_id
    for i in range(TN):
        mymax = find_max(dist)
        td[idx+i*nc] = math.sqrt(dist[mymax*threadsperblock+tid])
        ti[idx+i*nc] = city[mymax*threadsperblock+tid]
        dist[mymax*threadsperblock+tid] = 0

#peform test
cx  = np.zeros(N).astype(np.float32)
cy  = np.zeros(N).astype(np.float32)
for i in range(N):
  cx[i] = Coords[i,0]
  cy[i] = Coords[i,1]
td = np.zeros(N*TN, dtype=np.float32)
ti = np.zeros(N*TN, dtype=np.int32)

start = time.time()
d_cx = cuda.to_device(cx)
d_cy = cuda.to_device(cy)
d_td = cuda.device_array_like(td)
d_ti = cuda.device_array_like(ti)
k[N/threadsperblock, threadsperblock](d_cx, d_cy, d_td, d_ti, N)
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
print(np.flip(np.transpose(ti.reshape(nnear-1,ncities)), 1))
$ python t27.py
(200064, 32)

[[177220  25281 159413 ..., 133366  45179  27508]
 [ 56956 163534  90723 ..., 135081  33025 167104]
 [ 88708  42958 162851 ..., 115964  77180  31684]
 [186540  52500 124911 ..., 157102  83407  38152]
 [151053 144837  34487 ..., 171148  37887  12591]
 [ 13820 199968  88667 ...,   7241 172376  51969]]

[[177220  25281 159413 ..., 133366  45179  27508]
 [ 56956 163534  90723 ..., 135081  33025 167104]
 [ 88708  42958 162851 ..., 115964  77180  31684]
 [186540  52500 124911 ..., 157102  83407  38152]
 [151053 144837  34487 ..., 171148  37887  12591]
 [ 13820 199968  88667 ...,   7241 172376  51969]]

在这个非常慢的 Quadro K2000 GPU 上,CPU/scipy-based kd-tree 算法比这个 GPU 实现快得多。然而,在 ~1.3s 时,scipy 实现仍然比 Tesla P100 上的蛮力 CUDA C++ 代码 运行ning 慢一点,而且现在有更快的 GPU。 here. As pointed out there, the brute force approach is easily parallelizable, whereas the kd-tree approach may be non-trivial to parallelize. In any event, a faster solution yet might be a GPU-based kd-tree implementation.
