Pygame 表面位置似乎与屏幕上的位置不同?
Pygame surface location seems to be different than what it is on the screen?
我正在尝试用 pygame 制作一个虚拟的 phone 类程序,只是为了试验一下,但我 运行 遇到了问题。我加载了一张图片,然后将其 blitt 到屏幕的左下方。但是当我执行 print(imagename.get_rect())
时,它会在屏幕的 0, 0 处打印出一个位置。
def aloitus(): #goes back to the home screen
cls() #clears the screen
tausta = pygame.image.load("./pyhelin.png") #load background
tausta = pygame.transform.scale(tausta, (360, 640)) #scale it
screen.blit(tausta, (0, 0)) #blit it
alapalkki = pygame.Surface((600, 100)) #ignore
screen.blit(alapalkki, (0, 560))
global messenger #this is the thing!
messenger = pygame.image.load("./mese.png").convert_alpha() #load image
print(messenger.get_rect()) #print its location
messenger = pygame.transform.scale(messenger, (60,65)) #scale it to the correct size
screen.blit(messenger, (10, 570)) # blit on the screen
update() #update screen
aloitus() # at the start of the program, go to the home screen
while loop: #main loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
# Set the x, y postions of the mouse click
x, y = event.pos
if messenger.get_rect().collidepoint(x, y): #messenger is the image defined earlier
#do things
预期的结果是,当点击图像时 "hi" 将被打印出来。
实际结果是当点击左上角时打印出 hi。
returns a pygame.Rect 具有默认的左上角坐标 (0, 0)。您需要在之后设置坐标或将它们作为关键字参数传递给 get_rect
messenger_rect = messenger.get_rect()
messenger_rect.x = 100
messenger_rect.y = 200
# or
messenger_rect.topleft = (100, 200)
# or pass the coords as an argument to `get_rect`
messenger_rect = messenger.get_rect(topleft=(100, 200))
还有更多 rect attributes 可以分配坐标:
top, left, bottom, right
topleft, bottomleft, topright, bottomright
midtop, midleft, midbottom, midright
center, centerx, centery
我正在尝试用 pygame 制作一个虚拟的 phone 类程序,只是为了试验一下,但我 运行 遇到了问题。我加载了一张图片,然后将其 blitt 到屏幕的左下方。但是当我执行 print(imagename.get_rect())
时,它会在屏幕的 0, 0 处打印出一个位置。
def aloitus(): #goes back to the home screen
cls() #clears the screen
tausta = pygame.image.load("./pyhelin.png") #load background
tausta = pygame.transform.scale(tausta, (360, 640)) #scale it
screen.blit(tausta, (0, 0)) #blit it
alapalkki = pygame.Surface((600, 100)) #ignore
screen.blit(alapalkki, (0, 560))
global messenger #this is the thing!
messenger = pygame.image.load("./mese.png").convert_alpha() #load image
print(messenger.get_rect()) #print its location
messenger = pygame.transform.scale(messenger, (60,65)) #scale it to the correct size
screen.blit(messenger, (10, 570)) # blit on the screen
update() #update screen
aloitus() # at the start of the program, go to the home screen
while loop: #main loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
# Set the x, y postions of the mouse click
x, y = event.pos
if messenger.get_rect().collidepoint(x, y): #messenger is the image defined earlier
#do things
预期的结果是,当点击图像时 "hi" 将被打印出来。 实际结果是当点击左上角时打印出 hi。
returns a pygame.Rect 具有默认的左上角坐标 (0, 0)。您需要在之后设置坐标或将它们作为关键字参数传递给 get_rect
messenger_rect = messenger.get_rect()
messenger_rect.x = 100
messenger_rect.y = 200
# or
messenger_rect.topleft = (100, 200)
# or pass the coords as an argument to `get_rect`
messenger_rect = messenger.get_rect(topleft=(100, 200))
还有更多 rect attributes 可以分配坐标:
top, left, bottom, right
topleft, bottomleft, topright, bottomright
midtop, midleft, midbottom, midright
center, centerx, centery