SQL 服务器存储过程发送的结果加密

Encryption of results sent by SQL Server Stored Procedure

我的客户端要求我的 Web 应用程序和数据库服务器之间的通信以加密方式进行。目前,他们正在将参数转换为加密的 XML,然后将其传递给 Web 服务器。


  1. 我仍然可以使用 SQL Trace
  2. 查看纯文本(参数甚至实际数据)
  3. SQL服务器存储过程发送的results/table在XML(明文)中。还有什么方法可以加密该通信吗?


SQL 服务器已有加密连接,请使用它们。阅读 Encrypting Connections to SQL Server:

To configure SSL

  • Install a certificate in the Windows certificate store of the server computer.
  • Click Start, in the Microsoft SQL Server program group, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration, right-click the protocols for the server you want, and then click Properties.
  • On the Certificate tab, configure the Database Engine to use the certificate.
  • On the Flags tab, view or specify the protocol encryption option. The login packet will always be encrypted.

SQL Server must be restarted after you change the ForceEncryption setting.


至于痕迹可见性,这是​​一个权限问题。阅读Permissions Required to Run SQL Server Profiler。仅向授权用户授予所需的权限。