
How do I parse a two's-complement fixed-point number from a primitive integer type with an arbitrary split of integer and fraction?

我正在解析 OpenType 字体文件,需要解析(和写入)两种定点数:

我假设,最后,它应该被投射to/from f32

OpenType Spec描述:

The F2DOT14 format consists of a signed, 2’s complement integer and an unsigned fraction. To compute the actual value, take the integer and add the fraction.

2.14 值的示例是:

Decimal Value   Hex Value   Integer     Fraction
1.999939        0x7fff      1           16383/16384
1.75            0x7000      1           12288/16384
0.000061        0x0001      0           1/16384
0.0             0x0000      0           0/16384
-0.000061       0xffff      -1          16383/16384
-2.0            0x8000      -2          0/16384

我有一个有效的解决方案,但仅适用于 2.14 值:

fn from(number: u16) -> f32 {
    let mut int = (number >> 14) as f32;
    if int > 1f32 {
        int -= 4f32;
    let frac = (number & 0b11_1111_1111_1111) as f32 / 16384 as f32;
    int + frac

因为整数值应该是[-2, 2), 我解析出来的整数大于1就减4得到负数

我正在寻找一种方法来对定点数进行任何可能的拆分(例如 2.1416.163.524.40、等)在 Rust 整数原始类型的标准范围内(u16u32u64 等)。

能够解决我的问题,这里是一个解析 16 位定点数的例子:

use std::mem::size_of;

fn from_u16(raw: u16, frac_count: usize) -> f32 {
  let bit_count = size_of::<u16>() * 8;
  let int_count = bit_count - frac_count;

  let unsigned = (raw >> frac_count) as isize;
  let sign_bit = unsigned >> (int_count - 1) & 1;
  let high_bits = if sign_bit == 1 { -1 } else { 0 };
  let signed = high_bits << int_count | unsigned as isize;

  let mut mask = 0;
  for i in 0..=frac_count {
    mask = mask << i | 1;

  let frac = (raw & mask) as f32 / (1 << frac_count) as f32;
  signed as f32 + frac