为 TOML 文件和 golang 解析 table 中的键值对

Parsing a key value pair within a table for TOML file and golang

我的 TOML 文件结构如下:

host = "localhost"
port = 8086
https = true
username = "root"
password = "root"
db = "test"

deviceType = "2be386e9bbae"
deviceId = "119a705fa3b1"
password = "test"
token = "dqpx5vNLLTR34"
endpoint = "mqtts://mqtt1.endpoint.com"

#measurement = "gps"
  topic = "/evt/gps/msgpack"

  topic = "/evt/gps/json"

#measurement = "imu"
    tag = "NODE1"
    topic = "/evt/imu1/msgpack"
    tag = "NODE2"
    topic = "/evt/imu2/msgpack"

我只想在 gps table 和 imutable 中设置 measurement 键一次,而不是在 msgpackjson12



package main

import (

type imu struct {
  Topic string
  Measurement string
  Tag string

type gps struct {
  // Measurement string
  Measurement string
  ETopic string `toml:"topic"`

type database struct {
  Host  string
  Port  int
  Https bool
  Username  string
  Password  string
  Dbname  string

type cloud struct {
  Devicetype  string
  DeviceId  string
  Password  string
  Token   string
  Endpoint  string

type tomlConfig struct {
  DB database `toml:"database"`
  Cloud cloud `toml:"cloud"`
  Gps map[string]gps `toml:"gps"`
  Imu map[string]imu  `toml:"imu"`

func main()  {

  var config tomlConfig

  if _, err := toml.DecodeFile("cloud.toml", &config); err != nil {
  // fmt.Printf("%#v\n", config)
  for sensorName, sensor := range config.Imu {
    fmt.Printf("Topic: %s %s %s %s\n", sensorName, sensor.Topic, sensor.Tag, sensor.Measurement)

  for types, gps := range config.Gps {
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", types)
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", gps.ETopic)


 toml: type mismatch for main.gps: expected table but found string

(它应该仍然是一个有效的 TOML,因为我将它翻译成 JSON 并检查了结构)

我知道我在 struct 中没有提到我需要为它添加一个字符串。但是我对结构现在应该是什么样子感到困惑。


I want to set measurement key in gps table and imutable only once and not redundantly within msgpack and json and for 1 and 2

你不做这个是因为 TOML 格式的创建者说:

Because we need a decent human-readable format that unambiguously maps to a hash table and the YAML spec is like 80 pages long and gives me rage. No, JSON doesn't count. You know why.


您的正确 TOML 文件:

host = "localhost"
port = 8086
https = true
username = "root"
password = "root"
db = "test"

deviceType = "2be386e9bbae"
deviceId = "119a705fa3b1"
password = "test"
token = "dqpx5vNLLTR34"
endpoint = "mqtts://mqtt1.endpoint.com"

topic = "/evt/gps/msgpack"
measurement = "gps"

topic = "/evt/gps/json"
measurement = "gps"

measurement = "imu"
tag = "NODE1"
topic = "/evt/imu1/msgpack"
measurement = "imu"
tag = "NODE2"
topic = "/evt/imu2/msgpack"