为什么 AWS CLI 需要 access/secret 键?

Why does AWS CLI need access/secret key?

如果我已经为我的 ec2 实例分配了一个 IAM 角色,并且我想从该实例使用 AWS CLI,为什么它要求我输入 access/secret 键,不是那种吗多余?

你不需要它。 As the readme says:

The quickest way to get started is to run the aws configure command:


对于 IAM 角色,您无需执行任何操作,开箱即用:

The final option for credentials is highly recommended if you are using aws-cli on an EC2 instance. IAM Roles are a great way to have credentials installed automatically on your instance. If you are using IAM Roles, aws-cli will find them and use them automatically.



Configuring the AWS CLI 的 AWS 文档告诉我们以下有关凭据的信息 提供商链

The AWS CLI looks for credentials and configuration settings in the following order:

  • Command Line Optionsregion, output format and profile can be specified as command options to override default settings.
  • Environment VariablesAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, etc.
  • The AWS credentials file – located at ~/.aws/credentials on Linux, OS X, or Unix, or at C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials on Windows. This file can contain multiple named profiles in addition to a default profile.
  • The CLI configuration file – typically located at ~/.aws/config on Linux, OS X, or Unix, or at C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\config on Windows. This file can contain a default profile, named profiles, and CLI specific configuration parameters for each.
  • Instance profile credentials – these credentials can be used on EC2 instances with an assigned instance role, and are delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service.

如果您配置凭据,那么这些 将被使用 ,但是什么都不配置,您应该可以使用现有的实例配置文件和 IAM 角色。