
How do I check if a given date includes at least each of the document group listed for user?

我想开发一个 SQL 查询来检查给定日期是否至少在每个文档组中。 下面的table

DocID    UserID     StartDAte     EndDAte     OfficialName
1        1         10/1/18       10/3/18       A
2        1         10/5/18       10/10/18      A
3        1         10/1/18       10/9/18       B
4        1         10/1/18       10/9/18       C
5        1         10/1/18       10/5/18       D
6        1         10/7/18       10/20/18      D


eg date : 10/2/18 is in first record of A,B,C, and first record of D. So it is passed.
eg date : 10/4/18 is not in either of documents in A hence failed.
eg date : 10/8/18 is second document in A,B,C, and second document in D hence passed.
eg date : 10/6/18 is in A but not in D hence failed.

因为我必须为给定的用户和日期编写此代码,所以我必须对 "OfficialName" 使用 "IN" 子句,但是我如何添加 "OR" 来检查日期是否在任何给定用户的所有文档的每个 "OfficialName" 组中的文件数?

感谢任何帮助。 需要补充一些不清楚的地方。正式名称中的文件数量不固定。它可以是一个或多个。

聚合并获取不同的组数。如果你得到 4,你有一个匹配,否则你没有。

SELECT count(DISTINCT t.officialname)
       FROM elbat t
       WHERE t.userid = <given user>
             AND t.startdate <= <given date>
             AND t.enddate >= <given date>;

当且仅当没有匹配项时,您还可以添加 HAVING count(DISTINCT t.officialname) = 4 以获得空集。


SELECT count(DISTINCT t.officialname)
  FROM elbat t
  WHERE @date between t.startDate  AND t.enddate and
     t.userid = @userId;


select (case when count(distinct t.officialname) = 4 then 'passed' else 'failed' end) as flag_4groups
from t
where @date <= t.startdate and
      @date >= t.enddate and
      t.user_id = @user;


select t.user_id,
       (case when count(distinct t.officialname) = 4 then 'passed' else 'failed' end) as flag_4groups
from t
where @date <= t.startdate and
      @date >= t.enddate
group by t.user_id