Netsuite SuiteScript 2.0 如何循环遍历所有订单项并合计数量
Netsuite SuiteScript 2.0 How to loop through all line items and total the quantity
我正在尝试遍历 Netsuite SuiteScript 2.0 中库存调整屏幕的所有行项目并计算总数量(按数量调整)字段以检查其总和是否为零(第一行必须包含其他正线必须匹配的负值)。不幸的是,我对此并不陌生,而且我也找不到任何有关如何执行此操作的示例。我还需要最终更新批号以从第一行的编号开始为每一行递增。所有行还必须具有相同的父项。
我在执行此操作时遇到了很多问题,即多次触发数量字段更改事件,在总数为零的过程中提醒用户会很烦,屏幕只能在最后保存当总数为 0 时,等等。我当前的问题是我的代码只是对正在输入的行(当前行)求和,即使我循环遍历这些行。我尝试使用 getSublistValue
而不是 getCurrentSublistValue
但这给了我一条错误消息。我尝试使用 selectLine
但这会尝试移动当前活动的行,而该行仍在输入并且保留必填字段。我找不到 getSublistFields
我们正在使用 Netsuite 2018.2,但我缺少 SQL。
如何在 Netsuite SuiteScript 2.0 中完成此操作,我能否同时更新子列表子记录(库存详细信息图标中的批号)?
* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType ClientScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
define([], function () {
// Client Script global variables.
var allowSave = true;
var firstItemNegative = false;
var firstItemParentID = -9999;
function fieldChanged(context) {
var currentRecord = context.currentRecord; // Current opened record.
var sublistName = context.sublistId; // The internal ID of the sublist.
var sublistFieldName = context.fieldId; // The internal ID of the field that was changed.
var currentLine = context.line; // Line number (first line has value = 0) of Item User is on.
// Run when the Item field of the inventory sublist changed.
// Item for some reason does not fire a change event, so using item description instead.
// This means the description has to be required for these types of items.
if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description') {
// Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});
//"SS lines: " + lines);
// Run when the Adjust Qty. By field of the inventory sublist changed.
} else if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'adjustqtyby') {"SS fieldChanged: " + (context.sublistId || "record") + "." + context.fieldId);
// Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});"SS lines: " + lines);
var total; // Total used to check whether sum of quantities is zero.
var quantity; // Used to hold quantity for current line item.
for (var i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++) {"SS total start: " + total);
sublistId: "inventory",
line: i
// If we are on the first item line.
if (i === 0) {
// Get the first item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
total = parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
line: i
}));"SS total first line: " + total);
// If the quantity of the first line is positive then this is a real Inventory Adjustment
// and not a roll that was cut into smaller inventory.
if (total >= 0) {
firstItemNegative = false;
} else {
firstItemNegative = true;
} else if (i > 0) { // For non-first lines.
// Get the current item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
// Note that the value could be invalid in which case 0 is used.
quantity = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
line: i
})) || 0);"SS quantity: " + quantity);
// If the first item is negative then we have to keep a running total of the quantities.
if (firstItemNegative) {
total = total + quantity;"SS total other lines: " + total);
} else { // If the first item is positive we have to check that there are no other negative quantities.
if (quantity < 0) {
allowSave = false;
// Show modeless Netsuite banner message at top of screen that is replaced by subsequent messages.
// If you use the same id in the first parameter it will overwrite the message, if you supply a different id you will see new messages uniquely in the page.
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Inventory Item line number ' + (i + 1) + ' has a negative "Adjust Qty. By" field value. Negative values are only allowed for the first item.',
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} // if (i === 0)
} // for (var i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)"SS total end: " + total);
// If the total of the quantities are not zero then error. Allow if only the first line exists.
if (total !== 0 && lines !== 0) {
allowSave = false;
if (total < 0) {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are under by ' + (-total),
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} else {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are over by ' + total,
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} else {
allowSave = true;
} // if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description')
// Clear any error messages to show that all fields validated.
if (allowSave) {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Success:", // Message header.
'Validation passed.',
0, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} // fieldChanged
function saveRecord() {
// debugger;"SS saveRecord");
if (!allowSave) {
alert("Error: Save failed. There are error messages at the top of the page.");
return allowSave;
} // saveRecord
return {
fieldChanged: fieldChanged,
saveRecord: saveRecord
}); // Define
* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType ClientScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
define(['N/search'], function (s) {
// Client Script global variables.
var allowSave = true;
var firstItemNegative = false;
var firstItemParentID = -9999;
function fieldChanged(context) {
var currentRecord = context.currentRecord; // Current opened record.
var sublistName = context.sublistId; // The internal ID of the sublist.
var sublistFieldName = context.fieldId; // The internal ID of the field that was changed.
var currentLine = context.line; // Line number (first line has value = 0) of Item User is on.
// Run when the Item field of the inventory sublist changed.
// Item for some reason does not fire a change event, so using item description instead.
// This means the description has to be required for these types of items.
if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description') {
// Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});
//"SS lines: " + lines);
// if (currentRecord.isDynamic) {
//"SS isDynamic: true"); // currentRecord is Dynamic.
// } else {
//"SS isDynamic: false");
// }
// Run when the Adjust Qty. By field of the inventory sublist changed.
} else if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'adjustqtyby') {"SS fieldChanged: " + (context.sublistId || "record") + "." + context.fieldId);"SS currentLine: " + currentLine);
// Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});"SS lines: " + lines);
var total; // Total used to check whether sum of quantities is zero.
var quantity; // Used to hold quantity for current line item.
for (var i = 0; i <= lines; i++) {
// If we are on the first item line.
if (i === 0) {
if (i === currentLine) {
// Get the first item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
// Note that the value could be invalid in which case 0 is used.
// For partially entered lines.
total = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby"
})) || 0);
} else {
// Get the first item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
// For completed lines that have been Added.
total = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
line: i
})) || 0);
}"SS total first line: " + total);
// If the quantity of the first line is positive then this is a real Inventory Adjustment
// and not a roll that was cut into smaller inventory.
if (total >= 0) {
firstItemNegative = false;
} else {
firstItemNegative = true;
} else if (i > 0) { // For non-first lines.
if (i === currentLine) {
// Get the current item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
quantity = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby"
})) || 0);
} else {
// Get the current item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
quantity = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
line: i
})) || 0);
}"SS quantity: " + quantity);
// If the first item is negative then we have to keep a running total of the quantities.
if (firstItemNegative) {
total = total + quantity;"SS total other lines: " + total);
} else { // If the first item is positive we have to check that there are no other negative quantities.
if (quantity < 0) {
allowSave = false;
// Show modeless Netsuite banner message at top of screen that is replaced by subsequent messages.
// If you use the same id in the first parameter it will overwrite the message, if you supply a different id you will see new messages uniquely in the page.
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Inventory Item line number ' + (i + 1) + ' has a negative "Adjust Qty. By" field value. Negative values are only allowed for the first item.',
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} // if (i === 0)
} // for (var i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)"SS total end: " + total);
// If the total of the quantities are not zero then error. Allow if only the first line exists.
if (total !== 0 && lines !== 0) {
allowSave = false;
if (total < 0) {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are under by ' + (-total),
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} else {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are over by ' + total,
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} else {
allowSave = true;
} // if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description')
// Clear any error messages to show that all fields validated.
if (allowSave) {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Success:", // Message header.
'Validation passed.',
0, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} // fieldChanged
function saveRecord() {
// debugger;"SS saveRecord");
if (!allowSave) {
alert("Error: Save failed. There are error messages at the top of the page.");
return allowSave;
} // saveRecord
return {
fieldChanged: fieldChanged,
saveRecord: saveRecord
}); // Define
我正在尝试遍历 Netsuite SuiteScript 2.0 中库存调整屏幕的所有行项目并计算总数量(按数量调整)字段以检查其总和是否为零(第一行必须包含其他正线必须匹配的负值)。不幸的是,我对此并不陌生,而且我也找不到任何有关如何执行此操作的示例。我还需要最终更新批号以从第一行的编号开始为每一行递增。所有行还必须具有相同的父项。
我在执行此操作时遇到了很多问题,即多次触发数量字段更改事件,在总数为零的过程中提醒用户会很烦,屏幕只能在最后保存当总数为 0 时,等等。我当前的问题是我的代码只是对正在输入的行(当前行)求和,即使我循环遍历这些行。我尝试使用 getSublistValue
而不是 getCurrentSublistValue
但这给了我一条错误消息。我尝试使用 selectLine
但这会尝试移动当前活动的行,而该行仍在输入并且保留必填字段。我找不到 getSublistFields
我们正在使用 Netsuite 2018.2,但我缺少 SQL。
如何在 Netsuite SuiteScript 2.0 中完成此操作,我能否同时更新子列表子记录(库存详细信息图标中的批号)?
* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType ClientScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
define([], function () {
// Client Script global variables.
var allowSave = true;
var firstItemNegative = false;
var firstItemParentID = -9999;
function fieldChanged(context) {
var currentRecord = context.currentRecord; // Current opened record.
var sublistName = context.sublistId; // The internal ID of the sublist.
var sublistFieldName = context.fieldId; // The internal ID of the field that was changed.
var currentLine = context.line; // Line number (first line has value = 0) of Item User is on.
// Run when the Item field of the inventory sublist changed.
// Item for some reason does not fire a change event, so using item description instead.
// This means the description has to be required for these types of items.
if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description') {
// Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});
//"SS lines: " + lines);
// Run when the Adjust Qty. By field of the inventory sublist changed.
} else if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'adjustqtyby') {"SS fieldChanged: " + (context.sublistId || "record") + "." + context.fieldId);
// Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});"SS lines: " + lines);
var total; // Total used to check whether sum of quantities is zero.
var quantity; // Used to hold quantity for current line item.
for (var i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++) {"SS total start: " + total);
sublistId: "inventory",
line: i
// If we are on the first item line.
if (i === 0) {
// Get the first item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
total = parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
line: i
}));"SS total first line: " + total);
// If the quantity of the first line is positive then this is a real Inventory Adjustment
// and not a roll that was cut into smaller inventory.
if (total >= 0) {
firstItemNegative = false;
} else {
firstItemNegative = true;
} else if (i > 0) { // For non-first lines.
// Get the current item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
// Note that the value could be invalid in which case 0 is used.
quantity = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
line: i
})) || 0);"SS quantity: " + quantity);
// If the first item is negative then we have to keep a running total of the quantities.
if (firstItemNegative) {
total = total + quantity;"SS total other lines: " + total);
} else { // If the first item is positive we have to check that there are no other negative quantities.
if (quantity < 0) {
allowSave = false;
// Show modeless Netsuite banner message at top of screen that is replaced by subsequent messages.
// If you use the same id in the first parameter it will overwrite the message, if you supply a different id you will see new messages uniquely in the page.
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Inventory Item line number ' + (i + 1) + ' has a negative "Adjust Qty. By" field value. Negative values are only allowed for the first item.',
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} // if (i === 0)
} // for (var i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)"SS total end: " + total);
// If the total of the quantities are not zero then error. Allow if only the first line exists.
if (total !== 0 && lines !== 0) {
allowSave = false;
if (total < 0) {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are under by ' + (-total),
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} else {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are over by ' + total,
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} else {
allowSave = true;
} // if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description')
// Clear any error messages to show that all fields validated.
if (allowSave) {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Success:", // Message header.
'Validation passed.',
0, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} // fieldChanged
function saveRecord() {
// debugger;"SS saveRecord");
if (!allowSave) {
alert("Error: Save failed. There are error messages at the top of the page.");
return allowSave;
} // saveRecord
return {
fieldChanged: fieldChanged,
saveRecord: saveRecord
}); // Define
* @NApiVersion 2.0
* @NScriptType ClientScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
define(['N/search'], function (s) {
// Client Script global variables.
var allowSave = true;
var firstItemNegative = false;
var firstItemParentID = -9999;
function fieldChanged(context) {
var currentRecord = context.currentRecord; // Current opened record.
var sublistName = context.sublistId; // The internal ID of the sublist.
var sublistFieldName = context.fieldId; // The internal ID of the field that was changed.
var currentLine = context.line; // Line number (first line has value = 0) of Item User is on.
// Run when the Item field of the inventory sublist changed.
// Item for some reason does not fire a change event, so using item description instead.
// This means the description has to be required for these types of items.
if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description') {
// Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});
//"SS lines: " + lines);
// if (currentRecord.isDynamic) {
//"SS isDynamic: true"); // currentRecord is Dynamic.
// } else {
//"SS isDynamic: false");
// }
// Run when the Adjust Qty. By field of the inventory sublist changed.
} else if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'adjustqtyby') {"SS fieldChanged: " + (context.sublistId || "record") + "." + context.fieldId);"SS currentLine: " + currentLine);
// Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});"SS lines: " + lines);
var total; // Total used to check whether sum of quantities is zero.
var quantity; // Used to hold quantity for current line item.
for (var i = 0; i <= lines; i++) {
// If we are on the first item line.
if (i === 0) {
if (i === currentLine) {
// Get the first item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
// Note that the value could be invalid in which case 0 is used.
// For partially entered lines.
total = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby"
})) || 0);
} else {
// Get the first item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
// For completed lines that have been Added.
total = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
line: i
})) || 0);
}"SS total first line: " + total);
// If the quantity of the first line is positive then this is a real Inventory Adjustment
// and not a roll that was cut into smaller inventory.
if (total >= 0) {
firstItemNegative = false;
} else {
firstItemNegative = true;
} else if (i > 0) { // For non-first lines.
if (i === currentLine) {
// Get the current item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
quantity = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby"
})) || 0);
} else {
// Get the current item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
quantity = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getSublistValue({
sublistId: "inventory",
fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
line: i
})) || 0);
}"SS quantity: " + quantity);
// If the first item is negative then we have to keep a running total of the quantities.
if (firstItemNegative) {
total = total + quantity;"SS total other lines: " + total);
} else { // If the first item is positive we have to check that there are no other negative quantities.
if (quantity < 0) {
allowSave = false;
// Show modeless Netsuite banner message at top of screen that is replaced by subsequent messages.
// If you use the same id in the first parameter it will overwrite the message, if you supply a different id you will see new messages uniquely in the page.
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Inventory Item line number ' + (i + 1) + ' has a negative "Adjust Qty. By" field value. Negative values are only allowed for the first item.',
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} // if (i === 0)
} // for (var i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)"SS total end: " + total);
// If the total of the quantities are not zero then error. Allow if only the first line exists.
if (total !== 0 && lines !== 0) {
allowSave = false;
if (total < 0) {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are under by ' + (-total),
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} else {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Error:", // Message header.
'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are over by ' + total,
3, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} else {
allowSave = true;
} // if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description')
// Clear any error messages to show that all fields validated.
if (allowSave) {
"my_element_id", // Dummy element id of alert.
"Success:", // Message header.
'Validation passed.',
0, // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
"","","","" // Not sure what this does.
} // fieldChanged
function saveRecord() {
// debugger;"SS saveRecord");
if (!allowSave) {
alert("Error: Save failed. There are error messages at the top of the page.");
return allowSave;
} // saveRecord
return {
fieldChanged: fieldChanged,
saveRecord: saveRecord
}); // Define