PowerShell - 用户会话管理
PowerShell - User session management
我有这个 PowerShell 脚本可以注销空闲时间超过 1 小时的用户:
#Force script to run.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force
#Check connected users and save output.
quser|out-file C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\disconectAgora\quser.txt
#Read output with logged in users.
$file = Get-Content C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\disconectAgora\quser.txt
#Obtain IDLE time by using patters.
$pattern = "Disc(.*?)11"
#Obtaons session ID by using patther.
$pattern2 = "adminagora(.*?)Disc"
#Execute query using above patterns.
$result = [regex]::Match($file,$pattern).Groups[1].Value
$result2 = [regex]::Match($file,$pattern2).Groups[1].Value
#Trim file and save both session id and username.
$result = $result -replace(' ','')
$result |out-file C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\disconectAgora\getDCUser.txt
$result2 = $result2 -replace(' ','')
$result2 |out-file C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\disconectAgora\getDCUserID.txt
#If IDLE time is greater than 1 hour user is disconnected.
if ($result -gt '1:00'){
logoff $result2
write-host "No users with IDLE time greater than 1 hour found.No users to be logged off."
我想做的是检查 cmd 进程是否 运行,以便用户可以保持登录状态直到该进程结束。
我认为也许可以通过 运行 这个命令 get-process | where-object {$_.mainwindowhandle -ne 0} | select-object name, mainwindowtitle
并使用正则表达式只获取 cmd 进程它可能会成功,但这是一种非常原始的方法。
根据要求,这是 quser 的输出:
除了检查 CPU 用法之外,我需要一种方法来了解 CMD 是否正在执行某些操作:
只获取 cmd 进程 运行 get-process -name cmd
要在 cmd 中查找任何子进程,您可以使用如下方法:
Get-WmiObject win32_process | where {$_.ParentProcessId -eq ((Get-Process -name cmd).id)}
正如@LievenKeersmaekers 所注意到的那样,这在多个 cmd 运行ning 同时存在的情况下不起作用。固定版本:
(Get-Process -name cmd).id | foreach { Get-WmiObject win32_process -filter "ParentProcessId='$_'"}
以下内容略有简化,returns 除 adminagora
(& quser) -split "`n" | ? {$_ -match "(?<!adminagora).*?Disc\s+\d:\d{2}"}
(& quser) -split "`n" -- Executes quser
Splits each line on newline to pass through the pipeline
? {$_ -match -- Where the current item matches the regex
(?<!adminagora) -- Use a negative lookbehind to exclude adminagora
.*?Disc -- match any characters as few times as possible up until Disc.
\s+\d:\d{2} -- match any space character followed by
-- a digit, a colon and two digits
我有这个 PowerShell 脚本可以注销空闲时间超过 1 小时的用户:
#Force script to run.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force
#Check connected users and save output.
quser|out-file C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\disconectAgora\quser.txt
#Read output with logged in users.
$file = Get-Content C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\disconectAgora\quser.txt
#Obtain IDLE time by using patters.
$pattern = "Disc(.*?)11"
#Obtaons session ID by using patther.
$pattern2 = "adminagora(.*?)Disc"
#Execute query using above patterns.
$result = [regex]::Match($file,$pattern).Groups[1].Value
$result2 = [regex]::Match($file,$pattern2).Groups[1].Value
#Trim file and save both session id and username.
$result = $result -replace(' ','')
$result |out-file C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\disconectAgora\getDCUser.txt
$result2 = $result2 -replace(' ','')
$result2 |out-file C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\disconectAgora\getDCUserID.txt
#If IDLE time is greater than 1 hour user is disconnected.
if ($result -gt '1:00'){
logoff $result2
write-host "No users with IDLE time greater than 1 hour found.No users to be logged off."
我想做的是检查 cmd 进程是否 运行,以便用户可以保持登录状态直到该进程结束。
我认为也许可以通过 运行 这个命令 get-process | where-object {$_.mainwindowhandle -ne 0} | select-object name, mainwindowtitle
并使用正则表达式只获取 cmd 进程它可能会成功,但这是一种非常原始的方法。
根据要求,这是 quser 的输出:
除了检查 CPU 用法之外,我需要一种方法来了解 CMD 是否正在执行某些操作:
只获取 cmd 进程 运行 get-process -name cmd
要在 cmd 中查找任何子进程,您可以使用如下方法:
Get-WmiObject win32_process | where {$_.ParentProcessId -eq ((Get-Process -name cmd).id)}
更新。 正如@LievenKeersmaekers 所注意到的那样,这在多个 cmd 运行ning 同时存在的情况下不起作用。固定版本:
(Get-Process -name cmd).id | foreach { Get-WmiObject win32_process -filter "ParentProcessId='$_'"}
以下内容略有简化,returns 除 adminagora
(& quser) -split "`n" | ? {$_ -match "(?<!adminagora).*?Disc\s+\d:\d{2}"}
(& quser) -split "`n" -- Executes quser
Splits each line on newline to pass through the pipeline
? {$_ -match -- Where the current item matches the regex
(?<!adminagora) -- Use a negative lookbehind to exclude adminagora
.*?Disc -- match any characters as few times as possible up until Disc.
\s+\d:\d{2} -- match any space character followed by
-- a digit, a colon and two digits