平均响应时间与平均周转时间 (DIN_IEC_25023) 差异?

Mean Response Time vs Mean Turnaround Time (DIN_IEC_25023) Difference?


ISO 说明:


How long is the mean time taken by the system to respond to a user task or system task?


What is the mean time taken for completion of a job or asynchronous process?

我目前正在通过计算响应延迟时间的平均值来测量平均响应时间。区别可能是在测量平均响应时间时仅发送 1 个(同步)请求,并且在测量平均周转时间时可能使用多个线程并使用多个请求访问服务?




MRT = 延迟, MTT = 已用时间?

Elapsed time. JMeter measures the elapsed time from just before sending the request to just after the last response has been received. JMeter does not include the time needed to render the response, nor does JMeter process any client code, for example Javascript.

Latency. JMeter measures the latency from just before sending the request to just after the first response has been received. Thus the time includes all the processing needed to assemble the request as well as assembling the first part of the response, which in general will be longer than one byte. Protocol analysers (such as Wireshark) measure the time when bytes are actually sent/received over the interface. The JMeter time should be closer to that which is experienced by a browser or other application client.


据我所知,响应时间 是系统对收到的请愿书生成响应所需的时间。它是从系统收到请愿书到发出响应的那一刻计算的。
另一方面,周转时间 是请求完成所需的时间。它是从发送请愿书到收到回复的那一刻计算的。

MRTMTT 就是这几个请愿中对应的时间


PS: Petition Sent
PR: Petition Received
RS: Response Sent
RR: Response Received

[client] [   network    ] [     server     ] [     network     ] [client]
      PS ---------------- PR ------------ RS ------------------- RR
      0 ms                730 ms          940 ms                 1620 ms
      \                   \________________/                     /
       \                     response time                      /
                            turnaround time

响应时间 是 940 - 730 = 210 毫秒,服务器生成响应所花费的时间。
周转时间1620 毫秒,即客户端收到响应所花费的时间。

JMeter 的 "elapsed time" 与此处的周转时间相同,而 "latency" 将是客户端 开始 接收响应所花费的时间.如果响应是 1000 Mbps 线路上的 10 MB 数据块,则完全接收大约需要 80 毫秒,因此经过的时间将为延迟 + 80。