在编译时验证对象创建为 shared_ptr

Verify at compile time that objects are created as shared_ptr

我写了 类(通常作为 boost::asio 的一部分),它们的对象依赖于包裹在 shared_ptr 中,因为它们使用 shared_from_this()。如果对象未在 shared_ptr 中实例化,有没有办法阻止对象被编译?


std::shared_ptr<MyClass> a = std::make_shared<MyClass>(); // should compile fine
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> a = std::make_unique<MyClass>(); // compile error
MyClass a; // compile error

将其构造函数设为私有,并为其提供一个创建 shared_ptr 的静态工厂成员函数。不要忘记在评论中记录您的设计决定!

// Thing that foos the bar
struct Foo : std::enable_shared_from_this<Foo>
   // Returns a shared_ptr referring to a new instance of Foo
   static std::shared_ptr<Foo> CreateShared()
      return std::shared_ptr<Foo>(new Foo);

   // To avoid bugs due to the shared_from_this base,
   // we restrict Foo creation to being via CreateShared().
   Foo() = default;

(我无法想象 std::make_shared 会因为 private ctor 而起作用,但你可以试试。)

不过,我不得不说,这听起来不像是 class 应该负责的事情。这是一种倒退的编程。

Eljay's :

In general, it is best (if possible) that objects are not self-aware if they are contained in a shared_ptr, or on the heap, or on the stack, or by pointer, or in a vector, or as a data member, or as a global. As soon as they are self-aware of how they are life-cycle managed, they become a lot more constrained. Unnecessarily so. shared_from_this is (arguably) an anti-pattern. But... sometimes it may be a necessary anti-pattern.

我宁愿避免 enable_shared_from_this 并让人们以他们认为合适的方式使用您的 Foo,例如通过精益 unique_ptr.