当缓冲区长度 > 1 时,下载的文件已损坏

Downloaded files are corrupted when buffer length is > 1

我正在尝试编写一个函数,用于在特定 URL 下载文件。该函数会生成损坏的文件,除非我将缓冲区设为大小为 1 的数组(如下面的代码所示)。

缓冲区初始化(我打算使用)上面的三元语句以及 1 以外的硬编码整数值将生成损坏的文件。


public static void downloadFile(String webPath, String localDir, String fileName) {
    try {
        File localFile;
        FileOutputStream writableLocalFile;
        InputStream stream;

        url = new URL(webPath);
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

        int size = connection.getContentLength(); //File size in bytes
        int read = 0; //Bytes read

        localFile = new File(localDir);

        //Ensure that directory exists, otherwise create it.
        if (!localFile.exists())

        //Ensure that file exists, otherwise create it.
        //Note that if we define the file path as we do below initially and call mkdirs() it will create a folder with the file name (I.e. test.exe). There may be a better alternative, revisit later.
        localFile = new File(localDir + fileName);
        if (!localFile.exists())

        writableLocalFile = new FileOutputStream(localFile);
        stream = connection.getInputStream();

        byte[] buffer;
        int remaining;
        while (read != size) {
            remaining = size - read; //Bytes still to be read
            //remaining > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ? MAX_BUFFER_SIZE : remaining
            buffer = new byte[1]; //Adjust buffer size according to remaining data (to be read).

            read += stream.read(buffer); //Read buffer-size amount of bytes from the stream.
            writableLocalFile.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length); //Args: Bytes to read, offset, number of bytes

        System.out.println("Read " + read + " bytes.");

    } catch (Throwable t) {


len = stream.read(buffer);
read += len;
writableLocalFile.write(buffer, 0, len); 

您不能使用 buffer.length 作为读取的字节,您需要使用读取调用的 return 值。因为它可能 return 读取很短,然后您的缓冲区在读取字节后包含垃圾(0 字节或之前读取的数据)。

除了计算剩余和使用动态缓冲区外,只需使用 16k 或类似的东西。最后一读会很短,这很好。

InputStream.read() 读取的字节数可能少于您请求的字节数。但是您总是将整个缓冲区附加到文件中。您需要捕获实际的读取字节数并仅将这些字节附加到文件。


  1. 注意 InputStream.read() 到 return -1 (EOF)
  2. 服务器可能 return 大小不正确。因此,检查 read != size 是危险的。我建议不要完全依赖 Content-Length HTTP 字段。相反,只需继续从输入流中读取,直到遇到 EOF。