在构造函数代码之前禁用默认 class 成员初始化

Disable default class member initialization before constructor code

在 C++ 中,在成员初始化列表中 而非 构造的任何 class 成员默认在包含 class 的构造函数之前构造被执行。但是,如果该成员变量只是要在 位于 的 class 的构造函数中构造,这似乎是非常浪费的。


//This class used as part of the example class further below
class LargeIntimidatingClass {
    // ...
    //many member variables and functions
    // ...

    LargeIntimidatingClass() {
        //Painfully expensive default initializer

    LargeIntimidatingClass(int a, double b) {
        //Complicated calculations involving a and b

//Here, this class has a LargeIntimidatingClass as a member variable.
class Example {
    LargeIntimidatingClass x;
    char c;

    //Basic member initialization list constructor. Efficient!
    Example(int a, double b, char c) : x(a,b), c(c) {}

    //What if the parameters to the LargeIntimidatingClass's constructor
    //need to be computed inside the Example's constructor beforehand?
    Example(std::string sophisticatedArgument) {
        //Oh no! x has already been default initialized (unnecessarily!)

        int a = something1(sophisticatedArgument);
        double b = something2(sophisticatedArgument);
        //x gets constructed again! Previous (default) x is totally wasted!
        x = LargeIntimidatingClass(a,b);

        c = something3(sophisticatedArgument);

是的,我知道在这个愚蠢的例子中你可以写 Example(string s) : x(f1(s),f2(s)), c(f3(s)) {},但我相信你可以想象将一堆逻辑推入成员初始化列表的情况很麻烦(甚至不可能) ).


Is it possible to disable a member variable's default constructor when it is not listed in the member initialization list?


禁用语言的一个组成部分是如何工作的?不,但是您可以重构 使用 语言,或者以各种方式绕过它。

  1. 有一个指向扩展 class 的(智能)指针成员。
  2. 让成员成为 std:aligned_storage 并通过 placement new 创建对象。然后自己小心管理对象的生命周期。
  3. 抱一个std:optional。管理初始化并让库类型管理其余的对象大小开销。

您不能禁用构造。在到达构造函数的主体之前,必须初始化所有 class 成员。也就是说,您可以轻松解决该问题。您可以添加一个私有静态成员函数,从中获取 ab 和 returns 一个 LargeIntimidatingClass,例如

class Example {
    LargeIntimidatingClass x;
    char c;
    static LargeIntimidatingClass make_LargeIntimidatingClass(std::string sophisticatedArgument)
        int a = something1(sophisticatedArgument);
        double b = something2(sophisticatedArgument);
        return LargeIntimidatingClass(a,b);
    static char make_c(std::string sophisticatedArgument)
        return something3(sophisticatedArgument);

    //Basic member initialization list constructor. Efficient!
    Example(int a, double b, char c) : x(a,b), c(c) {}

    // now we use helpers to initialize in the member initialization list
    Example(std::string sophisticatedArgument) : x(make_LargeIntimidatingClass(sophisticatedArgument), c(make_c(sophisticatedArgument) {
        //now everything is initialized correctly