有没有办法与其他循环条件一起使用 erase-remove 习语?

Is there a way to use the erase-remove idiom in concert with other looping conditions?


class Cipher { 

  string keyword; 

  string decipheredText;

  deque<string> encipheredAlphabet;

    static bool is_punctuation (char c) {
      return c ==  '.' || c == ',' || c == '!' || c == '\''|| c == '?' || c 
      == ' ';

  string encipher(string text) { 
    Alphabet a;
    encipheredAlphabet = a.cipherLetters(keyword);

    text.erase( remove_if(text.begin(), text.end(), is_punctuation), 
    text.end() );

    string::iterator it;
    for (it = text.begin(); it != text.end(); it++) { 
      *it = tolower(*it); 
      // encipher text according to shift

    return text;



您可以通过使用 std::accumulate 和迭代器作为初始值插入输出 std::string

auto filter = [](auto pred) {
    return [=](auto map) {
        auto accumulator = [=](auto it, auto c) {
            if (pred(c)) {
                *it = map(c);
            return ++it;
        return accumulator;

auto accumulator = filter(std::not_fn(is_punctuation))
([](auto c) {
    return std::tolower(c);

std::string in = "insIsjs.|s!js";
std::string out;
std::accumulate(std::begin(in), std::end(in), std::back_inserter(out), accumulator);



template <typename Iter, typename OutIter>
OutIter lowercased_without_punctuation(Iter begin, Iter end, OutIter out) {
    while (begin != end) {
        // Ignoring things like std::move_iterator for brevity.
        if (!is_punctuation(*begin)) {
            *out = tolower(*begin);

        // Use `++iter` rather than `iter++` when possible

    return out;

// ...

string encipher(string text) {
    Alphabet a;
    encipheredAlphabet = a.cipherLetters(keyword);

        lowercased_without_punctuation(text.begin(), text.end(), text.begin()),

    return text;

如果你再考虑一下,lowercased_without_punctuation 实际上是一个更通用的算法的特例,可以称为 transform_if (relevant Q&A):

template <typename Iter, typename OutIter, typename Pred, typename Transf>
OutIter transform_if(Iter begin, Iter end, OutIter out, Pred p, Transf t) {
    while (begin != end) {
        if (p(*begin)) {
            *out = t(*begin);


    return out;

// ...

string encipher(string text) {
    Alphabet a;
    encipheredAlphabet = a.cipherLetters(keyword);

        transform_if(text.begin(), text.end(), text.begin(),
            [](char c) { return !is_punctuation(c); },
            [](char c) { return tolower(c); }),

    return text;


string encipher(string text)
    auto it = text.begin(),
         jt = it;
    for (; it != text.end(); it++)
        if (!is_punctuation(*it))
            *jt = tolower(*it);
    text.erase(jt, it);
    return text;

使用 range-v3,您可以创建(惰性)视图:

return text | ranges::view::filter([](char c){ return !is_punctuation(c); })
            | ranges::view::transform([](char c) -> char { return to_lower(c); });