Java 8 流,如何在不抛出运行时异常的情况下 "break" 在 reduce 或 collect 中?

Java 8 stream, how to "break" in reduce or in collect without throwing runtime exception?

这个问题是在 forEach 的背景下提出的。



但是有没有办法在 reducecollect 中过早地到 "break",而无需遍历所有流元素? (这意味着我需要在迭代时累积状态,所以我使用 reducecollect)。

简而言之:我需要迭代流中的所有元素(元素是整数并从小到大排序),但是查看 2 个相邻元素并比较它们,如果它们之间的差异大于 1,我需要 "break" 并停止 "accumulate the state" 我需要 return 最后传递的元素。

抛出 RuntimeException 的变体和传递外部状态的变体 - 对我不利。


public class Solution {

public int solution(int[] A) {

    Supplier<int[]> supplier = new Supplier<int[]>() {
        public int[] get() {
            //the array describes the accumulated state:
            //first element in the array , if set > 0, means  - the result is achieved, we can stop iterate over the rest elements
            //second element in the array will represent the "previous element" while iterating the stream
            return new int[]{0, 0};

    //the array in accumulator describes the accumulated state:
    //first element in the array , if set > 0, means  - the result is achieved, we can stop iterate over the rest elements
    //second element in the array will represent the "previous element" while iterating the stream
    ObjIntConsumer<int[]> accumulator = new ObjIntConsumer<int[]>() {
        public void accept(int[] sett, int value) {
            if (sett[0] > 0) {
                ;//do nothing, result is set
            } else {
                if (sett[1] > 0) {//previous element exists
                    if (sett[1] + 1 < value) {
                        sett[0] = sett[1] + 1;
                    } else {
                        sett[1] = value;
                } else {
                    sett[1] = value;

    BiConsumer<int[], int[]> combiner = new BiConsumer<int[], int[]>() {
        public void accept(int[] sett1, int[] sett2) {
            System.out.println("Combiner is not used, we are in sequence");

    int result[] = -> value > 0).collect(supplier, accumulator, combiner);
    return result[0];

 * We have an input array
 * We need order it, filter out all elements that <=0 (to have only positive)
 * We need find a first minimal integer that does not exist in the array
 * In this example it is 5
 * Because 4,6,16,32,67 positive integers array is having 5 like a minimum that not in the array (between 4 and 6)
 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[] a = new int[]{-2, 4, 6, 16, -7, 0, 0, 0, 32, 67};
    Solution s = new Solution();
    System.out.println("The value is " + s.solution(a));


流 API 到 break 中没有任何方法。您可以抛出异常,但这确实不是一个好主意。 但你是对的 - 你可以使用 reduce 找到集合

中的最后一个 "successed" 元素


List<Integer> integers = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13);

让我们找到第 i 个元素的值,其中 element[i+1]-element[i] > 1 :

int result =,i2) -> (i2-i1) > 1 ? i1 : i2).get();

对于这种情况,结果将等于 10。 然后你就可以得到你的公共列表的子列表;

integers.subList(0,integers.indexOf(result)+1).forEach(s-> System.out.println(s));

对于有效集合的情况(当没有元素的差异大于 1 时),result 将等于最后一个元素的值,子列表将等于列表。所以你可以添加一些检查来避免 .subList 在不需要的时候。




i1 = 1; i2 = 2; -> reduce(), difference =1, so we reduce this pair to i2 (2)  -> new collection is{2,3,5}


i1 = 2; i2 = 3; -> reduce(), difference =1, so we reduce this pair to i2 (3)  -> new collection is{3,5}


i1 = 3; i2 = 5; -> reduce(), difference >1, so we reduce this pair to i1 (3)  -> new collection is {3} and it transforms to Optional<Integer>


int stateStream(int[] arr) {
    return IntStream.range(0, arr.length - 1)
            .filter(i -> arr[i + 1] - arr[i] > 1) // your condition
            .mapToObj(i -> arr[i])
            .findFirst() // first such occurrence
            .map(i -> i + 1) // to add 1 to the point where the cehck actually failed
            .orElse(0); // some default value


int stateStream(int[] arr) {
    List<Integer> list =
            .filter(value -> value > 0)
    return IntStream.range(0, list.size() - 1)
            .filter(i -> list.get(i + 1) - list.get(i) > 1)
            .map(i -> i + 1)