根据用户输入在 javascript 中动态创建 URL

Dynamically creating URL in javascript based on user input

我正在尝试根据用户选择动态创建 URL


getPatientProfile(patient, relative, relation, contactNumber, townCity) {

    var p = patient.trim()
    var r = relative.trim()

    var url = '' + p + '&relative=' + r ;

    if (relation != null || relation != "" || relation != undefined){
        url += "&relationType=" + relation;
    if (contactNumber != null || contactNumber != ""){
        url += "&contactNumber=" + contactNumber;
    if (townCity != null || townCity != ""){
        url += "&townCity=" + townCity;
    return axios.get(url);

但我还是得到了整个 URL:

如果用户没有提供关系、contactNumber 和 townCity,我想要什么 url 应该只是

当您希望所有条件都为真时,您需要使用 &&


function getPatientProfile(patient, relative, relation, contactNumber, townCity) {

    var p = patient.trim()
    var r = relative.trim()

    var url = '' + p + '&relative=' + r ;

    if (relation){
        url += "&relationType=" + relation;
    if (contactNumber){
        url += "&contactNumber=" + contactNumber;
    if (townCity){
        url += "&townCity=" + townCity;
    return url


当用户没有给出任何值时,它总是条件为真。 townCity != null 和 relation != null 和 contactNumber != null

function getPatientProfile(patient, relative, relation, contactNumber, townCity) 

var p = patient.trim()
var r = relative.trim()

var url = '' + p + '&relative=' + r ;

if (relation != null && relation != "" && relation != undefined){
    url += "&relationType=" + relation;
if (contactNumber != null && contactNumber != ""){
    url += "&contactNumber=" + contactNumber;
if (townCity != null && townCity != ""){
    url += "&townCity=" + townCity;
return axios.get(url);

如果您采用 json 方式,您可以使 getPatientProfile(patient, relative, relation, contactNumber, townCity) 更通用:

var keys = {
patient : "Thor",
relative : "Loki",
relation : "Brothers",
contactNumber : null,
townCity : ""
function getPatientProfile(options){
var url = '';
  for (key in options){ 
     var separator = url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?";
     if(!!options[key]){ //checks for the truthy condition of the options[key]
        options[key] = options[key].trim(); //you can also add conditions for the keys which you want to trim.
        url += separator + key + "=" + options[key];
return url;

这样你就可以轻松地 add/remove 键:)