
Lean Mergesort using increasing well founded relation

我正在尝试在 Lean 中创建合并排序定义并创建了以下代码:

def mergesort (a: ℕ): list ℕ → list ℕ     
    | [] := []    
    | [a] := [a]  
    | (x::xs) :=  merge (mergesort (fhalf xs)) (mergesort (sndhalf xs))


def merge : list ℕ → list ℕ → list ℕ    
    | xs [] := xs    
    | [] ys := ys
    | (x :: xs) (y :: ys) := if x < y then x :: (merge xs ( y :: ys)) 
                                      else y :: (merge (x :: xs) ys)

和 fhalf / sndhalf 定义:

 def fhalf {α: Type} (xs: list α): list α := 
    list.take (list.length xs/2) xs

def sndhalf {α: Type} (xs: list α): list α :=
    list.drop (list.length xs/2) xs


failed to prove recursive application is decreasing, well founded relation

@has_well_founded.r (list ℕ)
(@has_well_founded_of_has_sizeof (list ℕ) (@list.has_sizeof ℕ nat.has_sizeof)) 

Possible solutions:

  • Use using_well_founded keyword in the end of your definition to specify tactics for synthesizing well founded relations and decreasing proofs.

  • The default decreasing tactic uses the 'assumption' tactic, thus hints (aka local proofs) can be provided using 'have'-expressions. The nested exception contains the failure state for the decreasing tactic.


首先,请注意您对 mergesort 的定义存在多个问题。第一,参数 a 是不必要的,从未使用过。 (您在第二行中匹配的 a 是新鲜的。)第二,在 x::xs 的情况下,您完全忘记了 x。要查看您的函数实际执行的操作,您可以添加关键字 meta,如 meta def mergesort。这将禁用终止检查,因此您可以 #eval mergesort 2 [1, 3, 2] 并看到您没有得到您想要的。我会在你写的时候继续回答这个问题。

存在一个默认的有根据的关系,默认的证明方法是在本地上下文中寻找证明。您可以通过查看定义中的错误消息来了解 Lean 期望的证明:它需要 list.sizeof (fhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs)list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs) 的证明。所以通过添加行

def mergesort (a : ℕ): list ℕ → list ℕ     
| [] := []    
| [a] := [a]  
| (x::xs) := 
  have list.sizeof (fhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), from sorry,
  have list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), from sorry,
  merge (mergesort (fhalf xs)) (mergesort (sndhalf xs))

这个策略会成功。您需要填写那些 sorrys.

使用 mathlib 中可用的 linarith 策略(通过 import tactic.linarith)您可以跳过一些算术:

def mergesort (a : ℕ): list ℕ → list ℕ     
| [] := []    
| [a] := [a]  
| (x::xs) := 
  have list.sizeof (fhalf xs) ≤ list.sizeof xs, from sorry,
  have list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) ≤ list.sizeof xs, from sorry,
  have list.sizeof (fhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), by linarith,
  have list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), by linarith,
  merge (mergesort (fhalf xs)) (mergesort (sndhalf xs))

所以用证明替换那些 sorry,你就可以开始了。你可能想证明类似

lemma sizeof_take_le {α} [h : has_sizeof α] : ∀ n (xs : list α), 
  list.sizeof (list.take n xs) ≤ list.sizeof xs 

当您更正您对 mergesort 的定义时,详细信息会发生一些变化。

另一种方法是改变有根据的关系和决策策略,如 mathlib 定义中所做的那样:https://github.com/leanprover/mathlib/blob/master/data/list/sort.lean#L174 不幸的是,执行此操作的接口相当低级,我不知道是否或在何处记录了它。

要在没有 using_well_founded 的情况下更改关系,您可以添加一个本地实例,说明使用 list.length 而不是 list.sizeof:

def new_list_sizeof : has_sizeof (list ℕ) := ⟨list.length⟩
local attribute [instance, priority 100000] new_list_sizeof

与使用 sizeof.
