Lean Mergesort using increasing well founded relation
我正在尝试在 Lean 中创建合并排序定义并创建了以下代码:
def mergesort (a: ℕ): list ℕ → list ℕ
| [] := []
| [a] := [a]
| (x::xs) := merge (mergesort (fhalf xs)) (mergesort (sndhalf xs))
def merge : list ℕ → list ℕ → list ℕ
| xs [] := xs
| [] ys := ys
| (x :: xs) (y :: ys) := if x < y then x :: (merge xs ( y :: ys))
else y :: (merge (x :: xs) ys)
和 fhalf / sndhalf 定义:
def fhalf {α: Type} (xs: list α): list α :=
list.take (list.length xs/2) xs
def sndhalf {α: Type} (xs: list α): list α :=
list.drop (list.length xs/2) xs
failed to prove recursive application is decreasing, well founded
@has_well_founded.r (list ℕ)
(@has_well_founded_of_has_sizeof (list ℕ) (@list.has_sizeof ℕ nat.has_sizeof))
Possible solutions:
Use using_well_founded
keyword in the end of your definition to specify tactics for synthesizing well founded relations and decreasing proofs.
The default decreasing tactic uses the 'assumption' tactic, thus hints (aka local proofs) can be provided using 'have'-expressions. The nested exception contains the failure state for the decreasing tactic.
首先,请注意您对 mergesort
的定义存在多个问题。第一,参数 a
是不必要的,从未使用过。 (您在第二行中匹配的 a
是新鲜的。)第二,在 x::xs
的情况下,您完全忘记了 x
。要查看您的函数实际执行的操作,您可以添加关键字 meta
,如 meta def mergesort
。这将禁用终止检查,因此您可以 #eval mergesort 2 [1, 3, 2]
存在一个默认的有根据的关系,默认的证明方法是在本地上下文中寻找证明。您可以通过查看定义中的错误消息来了解 Lean 期望的证明:它需要 list.sizeof (fhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs)
和 list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs)
def mergesort (a : ℕ): list ℕ → list ℕ
| [] := []
| [a] := [a]
| (x::xs) :=
have list.sizeof (fhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), from sorry,
have list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), from sorry,
merge (mergesort (fhalf xs)) (mergesort (sndhalf xs))
这个策略会成功。您需要填写那些 sorry
使用 mathlib
中可用的 linarith
策略(通过 import tactic.linarith
def mergesort (a : ℕ): list ℕ → list ℕ
| [] := []
| [a] := [a]
| (x::xs) :=
have list.sizeof (fhalf xs) ≤ list.sizeof xs, from sorry,
have list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) ≤ list.sizeof xs, from sorry,
have list.sizeof (fhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), by linarith,
have list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), by linarith,
merge (mergesort (fhalf xs)) (mergesort (sndhalf xs))
所以用证明替换那些 sorry
lemma sizeof_take_le {α} [h : has_sizeof α] : ∀ n (xs : list α),
list.sizeof (list.take n xs) ≤ list.sizeof xs
当您更正您对 mergesort
另一种方法是改变有根据的关系和决策策略,如 mathlib
要在没有 using_well_founded
的情况下更改关系,您可以添加一个本地实例,说明使用 list.length
而不是 list.sizeof
def new_list_sizeof : has_sizeof (list ℕ) := ⟨list.length⟩
local attribute [instance, priority 100000] new_list_sizeof
与使用 sizeof
我正在尝试在 Lean 中创建合并排序定义并创建了以下代码:
def mergesort (a: ℕ): list ℕ → list ℕ
| [] := []
| [a] := [a]
| (x::xs) := merge (mergesort (fhalf xs)) (mergesort (sndhalf xs))
def merge : list ℕ → list ℕ → list ℕ
| xs [] := xs
| [] ys := ys
| (x :: xs) (y :: ys) := if x < y then x :: (merge xs ( y :: ys))
else y :: (merge (x :: xs) ys)
和 fhalf / sndhalf 定义:
def fhalf {α: Type} (xs: list α): list α :=
list.take (list.length xs/2) xs
def sndhalf {α: Type} (xs: list α): list α :=
list.drop (list.length xs/2) xs
failed to prove recursive application is decreasing, well founded relation
@has_well_founded.r (list ℕ) (@has_well_founded_of_has_sizeof (list ℕ) (@list.has_sizeof ℕ nat.has_sizeof))
Possible solutions:
keyword in the end of your definition to specify tactics for synthesizing well founded relations and decreasing proofs.The default decreasing tactic uses the 'assumption' tactic, thus hints (aka local proofs) can be provided using 'have'-expressions. The nested exception contains the failure state for the decreasing tactic.
首先,请注意您对 mergesort
的定义存在多个问题。第一,参数 a
是不必要的,从未使用过。 (您在第二行中匹配的 a
是新鲜的。)第二,在 x::xs
的情况下,您完全忘记了 x
。要查看您的函数实际执行的操作,您可以添加关键字 meta
,如 meta def mergesort
。这将禁用终止检查,因此您可以 #eval mergesort 2 [1, 3, 2]
存在一个默认的有根据的关系,默认的证明方法是在本地上下文中寻找证明。您可以通过查看定义中的错误消息来了解 Lean 期望的证明:它需要 list.sizeof (fhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs)
和 list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs)
def mergesort (a : ℕ): list ℕ → list ℕ
| [] := []
| [a] := [a]
| (x::xs) :=
have list.sizeof (fhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), from sorry,
have list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), from sorry,
merge (mergesort (fhalf xs)) (mergesort (sndhalf xs))
这个策略会成功。您需要填写那些 sorry
使用 mathlib
中可用的 linarith
策略(通过 import tactic.linarith
def mergesort (a : ℕ): list ℕ → list ℕ
| [] := []
| [a] := [a]
| (x::xs) :=
have list.sizeof (fhalf xs) ≤ list.sizeof xs, from sorry,
have list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) ≤ list.sizeof xs, from sorry,
have list.sizeof (fhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), by linarith,
have list.sizeof (sndhalf xs) < x + (1 + list.sizeof xs), by linarith,
merge (mergesort (fhalf xs)) (mergesort (sndhalf xs))
所以用证明替换那些 sorry
lemma sizeof_take_le {α} [h : has_sizeof α] : ∀ n (xs : list α),
list.sizeof (list.take n xs) ≤ list.sizeof xs
当您更正您对 mergesort
另一种方法是改变有根据的关系和决策策略,如 mathlib
要在没有 using_well_founded
的情况下更改关系,您可以添加一个本地实例,说明使用 list.length
而不是 list.sizeof
def new_list_sizeof : has_sizeof (list ℕ) := ⟨list.length⟩
local attribute [instance, priority 100000] new_list_sizeof
与使用 sizeof