"modulo" 是动词吗?如果是这样,它是如何共轭的?

Is "modulo" a verb? If so, how is it conjugated?


 * Sets the value at a point
 * @param theta can be any value, will be moduloed to range [0, Circumference)
 * @param radius in range [0, Radius)
setPoint(double theta, double radius, int value) {
    theta = Math.floorMod(theta, Circumference);
    matrix[(int)theta][(int)radius] = value;

大多数其他数学运算都有过去式(ex.divided)和现在时(ex.divides)。我们可以使用 "moduloed" 和 "modulos" 吗?有没有一种避免使用模数作为动词的措辞方式?


不,"modulo" 不是动词。这是the Latin ablative of modulus which itself means "a small measure."

技术上是mathematical jargon:

commonly used phrases which are part of the culture of mathematics, rather than of the subject


Theta is the angle in radians from the X-axis.


Note: Theta is converted to the smallest non-negative coterminal angle.