std::vector<TCHAR*> 中的奇怪字符

Weird characters in a std::vector<TCHAR*>

尝试获取所有子目录,并最终获取子目录中的所有文件,我传递了一个 std::vector 作为对实际获取所有目录的函数的引用。我可以计算出函数内部的 cFileName 但是一旦它 returns 主向量就有奇怪的字符。

目前我的字符集使用 Unicode。当我使用多字节时,它实际上会打印奇怪的字符,现在它什么都不打印。向量中确实有一些东西 (directories.size() returns 一个值 > 0)


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Declare function prototypes
DWORD listDirectories(std::vector<TCHAR*>&);

// Global variable that holds the current working path of the program

void main()
    // Declare variables, dwCount for return value from listDirectories, directories stores all sub directories, cDirectory stores current directory
    DWORD dwCount;
    //std::vector<TCHAR*> directories;
    std::vector<TCHAR*> directories;
    TCHAR cDirectory[MAX_PATH];

    // Get current directory
    GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, buffer);

    // Set cDirectory (current directory) to buffer (ATM is current directory) + add \ to the end and make it the working directory
    _tcscpy_s(cDirectory, buffer);
    _tcscat_s(cDirectory, L"\*");

    // dwCount is count of how many directories found, to be used later
    dwCount = listDirectories(directories);

    // Range for loop to print each value in the std::vector<TCHAR*> directories
    for (auto tStr : directories) {
        // Doing wcout here prints weird characters.
        std::wcout << tStr << std::endl;

}   // end void main()

DWORD listDirectories(std::vector<TCHAR*> &directories)
    // Declare variables, count used for number of directories, hFind for FindFirstFile, data used to store file data
    DWORD count = 0;
    WIN32_FIND_DATA data;
    TCHAR currentDir[MAX_PATH];

    // Copy the current working directory into currentDir, will be used for subDir
    _tcscpy_s(currentDir, buffer);

    // Append "\*" to buffer to make it a working directory
    _tcscat_s(buffer, L"\*");

    // Find first file in the current working directory, storying data in data as a reference
    hFind = FindFirstFile(buffer, &data);

    // If hFind is not an invalid handle
    if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        // Go through each file in the directory
            // If the file attributes is a directory
            if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
                // Create a sub directory
                TCHAR subDir[MAX_PATH];

                // Fill subDir with current directory + "\" + dir name
                _tcscpy_s(subDir, currentDir);
                _tcscat_s(subDir, L"\");
                _tcscat_s(subDir, data.cFileName);

                // Fill subDir with current directory + "\" + dir name
                //sprintf_s(subDir, "%s%s%s", currentDir, "\", data.cFileName);

                // Add directory to my directories (std::vector<TCHAR*>) if count > 1, because I don't want the "." and ".." directories
                if (count > 1){
                    // Doing wcout here prints the subDir just fine and works properly
                    std::wcout << subDir << std::endl;

                // Add 1 to count, used as the return for how many directories found in the current directory
        } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &data) != 0);

    // Return count of directories found. -2 to get rid of the "." and ".." directories
    return (count - 2);
}   // end DWORD listDirectories(std::vector<TCHAR*>&)



subDir 是函数内 do ... while 循环的局部数组,其生命周期在循环的每次迭代时结束。

std::vector<TCHAR*> directories; 更改为 std::vector<std::basic_string<TCHAR>> directories;,您的代码应该可以正常工作。现在您将复制目录名称并将其添加到 vector.

另一种选择是忘记所有 TCHAR 的东西,在处理 Windows API.

std::vector<std::wstring> directories;
wchar_t cDirectory[MAX_PATH];
hFind = FindFirstFileW(buffer, &data);
