constructing/evaluating 红黑树在 Haskell 时堆栈溢出

Stack overflow when constructing/evaluating a red black tree in Haskell


data Tree a
  = E
  | S a
  | C !Color !(Tree a) !(Tree a)

data Color = R | B

对于这棵树,所有数据都存储在叶子(S 构造函数)中。我已经写了一个 insert 函数,就像标准的冈崎红黑树 [1] (修改了值存储在内部节点中的部分)

在这种情况下,我用 1000 万个元素填充树:

l = go 10000000 E
    go 0 t = insert 0 t
    go n t = insert t $ go (n - 1) t


left :: Tree a -> Maybe a
left E = Nothing
left (S x) = Just x
left (C _ _ l _) = left l


left l

*** Exception: stack overflow

这是因为我构建树的方式(非尾递归)还是有一些我看不到的遗漏 space 泄漏。


l = go 10000000 E
    go 0 t = insert 0 t
    go n t = go (n - 1) (insert n t)





 insert :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
 insert x xs = makeBlack $ ins xs
     ins E = S x
     ins (S a) = C R (S x) (S a)
     ins (C c l r) = balance c (ins l) r -- always traverse left and trust the balancing
     makeBlack (C _ l r) = C B l r
     makeBlack a = a
 balance :: Color -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
 balance B (C R (C R a b) c) d = C R (C B a b) (C B c d)
 balance B (C R a (C R b c)) d = C R (C B a b) (C B c d)
 balance B a (C R (C R b c) d) = C R (C B a b) (C B c d)
 balance B a (C R b (C R c d)) = C R (C B a b) (C B c d)
 balance color a b = C color a b

我在输入插入代码时输入错误,是 insert n $ go (n - 1) t 而不是 insert t $ go (n - 1) t。然而实际遇到堆栈溢出时代码是正确的,溢出发生在ghci中。



l = go 10000000 L.empty   where
    go 0 t = L.cons 0 t
    go n t = go (n - 1) (L.cons n t)

确实是尾递归,但它仍然有一个问题:它在构建树时的任何一步都没有"force"。由于 Haskell 的懒惰,go 将 return 隐藏 L.cons 的 10000000 个待处理申请的 thunk

当运行时尝试"pop"那个thunk时,它会将每个n变量放入堆栈,而下面的thunk轮到"popped",导致堆栈溢出. "Function calls don't add stack frames in Haskell; instead, stack frames come from nesting thunks."

解决方案是强制每个中间树为 WHNF,这样 thunk 就不会累积。这应该足够了(使用 BangPatterns 扩展名):

l :: Tree Int 
l = go 10000000 L.empty
    go 0 !t = L.cons 0 t
    go n !t = go (n - 1) (L.cons n t)

这基本上意味着:"before recursing to add another element, make sure the accumulator is in WHNF"。 n 不需要强制,因为它在模式匹配中被仔细检查。