如何动态平铺 svg 打印输出

How to tile svg print output dynamically

我有很大的 svg 图纸,开头的尺寸未知。我想将它们打印在多页上;但最初不知道页数。所以我必须在确定图纸尺寸并相应地添加 svg 元素后决定 Javascript 内的页数。

https://codepen.io/anon/pen/roYXVJ 中有一个很好的示例,它是 "static" 平铺,即页面的大小和数量是预先固定的。代码的简化版本(没有箭头和索引字母)如下所示:

<figure class="svg-container">
  <!-- The actual graphic is a 3:2 image
       which will be wrapped in a scrolling
       container on screen. -->
  <svg class="screen" width="18in" height="12in"
       viewBox="0 0 1800 1200">
    <g id="graphic"><!-- 
      Actual graphic goes here.  I'm using a script to generate it. 
  <!-- For printing in landscape mode,
       the graphic is divided into four
       overlapping quadrants which will
       each fit on a letter/A4 page
       without scaling.  The 1000*700 viewBox
       is equivalent to 10in*7in of the
       onscreen dimensions. -->
  <svg class="print landscape" viewBox="0 0 1000 700">
    <use xlink:href="#graphic" />
  <svg class="print landscape" viewBox="800 0 1000 700">
    <use xlink:href="#graphic" />
  <svg class="print landscape" viewBox="0 500 1000 700">
    <use xlink:href="#graphic" />
  <svg class="print landscape" viewBox="800 500 1000 700">
    <use xlink:href="#graphic" />

  <!-- For printing in portrait mode,
       the graphic is scaled down slightly
       to fit on two pages.  Again,
       the content of each page will 
       overlap slightly. -->
  <svg class="print portrait" viewBox="0 0 1000 1200">
    <use xlink:href="#graphic" />
  <svg class="print portrait" viewBox="800 0 1000 1200">
    <use xlink:href="#graphic" />


var doc = document;
var g = doc.getElementById("graphic");
var svgNS = g.namespaceURI;
var r, t;

for (var i=0; i<18; i++){
  for (var j=0; j<12; j++) {
    r = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
    r.setAttribute("width", "80");
    r.setAttribute("height", "80");
    r.setAttribute("x", (i*100 + 10));
    r.setAttribute("y", (j*100 + 10));
    r.style.setProperty("fill-opacity", ((i*j + 1)%20)/20, null);
    g.insertBefore(r, null);
    t = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
    t.setAttribute("x", (i*100 + 50));
    t.setAttribute("y", (j*100 + 50));
    t.setAttribute("class", "diagram")
    t.textContent = [i,j];
    g.insertBefore(t, null);



<svg class="print landscape"...  />

在脚本中包含此类动态定义的静态定义: 编辑:我更正了一些定义并添加了一些缺失的定义。更新的动态定义为:

var printLandscape = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
printLandscape.setAttribute("viewBox", " 800 500 1000 700");
printLandscape.setAttribute("orientation", "landscape");
printLandscape.setAttribute("xlink:href", "#graphic");
printLandscape.setAttribute("class", "print landscape")
g.insertBefore(printLandscape, null);


经过一些研究,我了解到 xlink:href 不是 svg 的属性,因为它被 "use" 函数使用(?)。因此,应定义另一个 use 元素以指向 xlink:href。此外,printLanscape 应该是容器的一部分,"figure"。最终定义如下:

var doc = document;
var g = doc.getElementById("graphic");
var f = doc.getElementById("mafigure");
var svgNS = g.namespaceURI;

var printLandscape = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
var useElem = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'use');

printLandscape.setAttributeNS(svgNS,"class", "print landscape")
printLandscape.setAttributeNS(svgNS, "viewBox", " 800 500 1000 700");
useElem.setAttributeNS(svgNS, 'xlink:href', '#graphic');
f.insertBefore(printLandscape, null);


编辑:这是完整的测试用例。 HTML 带有嵌入式 svg 和 javascript 的文档。它提供 4 页静态平铺。我取出第四个静态页面定义并尝试在 Javascript.




 symbol, use, svg {
   overflow: visible;
 rect {
   stroke: navy;

 /* Screen styles */
 figure.svg-container {
   display: block;
   overflow: scroll;
   max-width: 90vw;
   max-height: 90vh;
   border:gray solid thin;

 svg.print {
   display: none;
 @media print{
   figure.svg-container {
     display: inline;
     overflow: auto;
     border: none;
   svg.screen {
     display: none;
   svg.print {
     overflow: hidden;
     border: thin lightgray solid;
     padding: 0.5em;
     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
     box-sizing: border-box;
     page-break-inside: avoid;
     break-inside: avoid;
 @media print and (orientation: landscape){
   svg.print.landscape {
     display: block;
     height: 7in;
     width: 10in;
 @media print and (orientation: portrait){
   svg.print.portrait {
     display: block;
     height: 9in;
     width: 7.5in;


 <figure class="svg-container" id="mafigure">
   <!-- The actual graphic is a 3:2 image
        which will be wrapped in a scrolling
        container on screen. -->
   <svg class="screen" width="18in" height="12in"
        viewBox="0 0 1800 1200">
     <g id="graphic"><!-- 
       Actual graphic goes here.  I'm using a script to generate it. 
   <!-- For printing in landscape mode,
        the graphic is divided into four
        overlapping quadrants which will
        each fit on a letter/A4 page
        without scaling.  The 1000*700 viewBox
        is equivalent to 10in*7in of the
        onscreen dimensions. -->
   <svg class="print landscape" viewBox="0 0 1000 700">
     <use xlink:href="#graphic" />
   <svg class="print landscape" viewBox="800 0 1000 700">
     <use xlink:href="#graphic" />
   <svg class="print landscape" viewBox="0 500 1000 700">
     <use xlink:href="#graphic" />

   <!-- For printing in portrait mode,
        the graphic is scaled down slightly
        to fit on two pages.  Again,
        the content of each page will 
        overlap slightly. -->
   <svg class="print portrait" viewBox="0 0 1000 1200">
     <use xlink:href="#graphic" />
   <svg class="print portrait" viewBox="800 0 1000 1200">
     <use xlink:href="#graphic" />


 var r, t;

 var doc = document;
 var g = doc.getElementById("graphic");
 var f = doc.getElementsByClassName("svg-container");
 var svgNS = g.namespaceURI;

 var printLandscape = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
 var useElem = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'use');

 printLandscape.setAttributeNS(svgNS,"class", "print landscape")
 printLandscape.setAttributeNS(svgNS, "viewBox", " 800 500 1000 700");
 useElem.setAttributeNS(svgNS, 'xlink:href', '#graphic');

 for (var i=0; i<18; i++){
   for (var j=0; j<12; j++) {
     r = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
     r.setAttribute("width", "80");
     r.setAttribute("height", "80");
     r.setAttribute("x", (i*100 + 10));
     r.setAttribute("y", (j*100 + 10));
     r.style.setProperty("fill-opacity", ((i*j + 1)%20)/20, null);
     g.insertBefore(r, null);





xlink:href 在 xlink 命名空间中,而不是 svg 命名空间中。实际上,命名空间的使用已被弃用,几乎所有浏览器都理解没有命名空间的 href 属性。简单写

useElem.setAttribute('href', '#graphic');