无法通过 `Var<Doc>` 将文档片段嵌入到 WebSharper 页面中

Unable to embed document fragment into a WebSharper page trough a `Var<Doc>`

我对使用 WebSharper 还很陌生,我可能会以错误的方式做事。 我的目标是能够通过更新表示要更新的页面部分的 Var<Doc> 变量来根据用户操作更新我的页面内容。我很高兴知道我是否可以从服务器端代码更新 Var<Doc> 并将其反映在用户的浏览器中。


let TestPage ctx =
    let clientPart = Var.Create <| Doc.Empty
    clientPart .Value <- div [] [ text "This content is dynamically inserted" ]

    Templating.Main ctx EndPoint.Home "Home" [
        h1 [] [text "Below is a dynamically inserted content:"]
        div [] [ client <@ clientPart .View |> Doc.EmbedView @> ]


System.Exception: Error during RPC JSON conversion ---> System.Exception: Failed to look up translated field name for write' in type WebSharper.UI.Elt with fields: docNode, elt, rvUpdates, updates

关于视图的 WebSharper 4 文档还指出:

It will only be run while the resulting View is included in the document using one of these methods:

  • Doc.BindView
  • Doc.EmbedView
  • textView



type SomeTemplate = Template<"SomeTemplate.html">
clientDoc.Value <- SomeTemplate().Doc()


module Templating =
    let Main ctx action (title: string) (body: Doc list) =
        let t = MainTemplate().Title(title).MenuBar(MenuBar ctx action).With("Body", body)
        let doc : Doc = t.Doc()
        doc |> Content.Page

下面是在服务器端调用 RPC 并将其存储到客户端的示例Var<>:

module ServerFunctions =

    let mutable ServerState = ("Zero", 0)

    let [< Rpc >] addToState n = async {
        let state, counter = ServerState
        let newCounter = counter + n
        let newState   = if newCounter = 0 then "Zero" else "NonZero"
        ServerState <- newState, newCounter
        return newState

[< JavaScript >]
module ClientFunctions =
    open WebSharper
    open WebSharper.UI
    open WebSharper.UI.Html
    open ServerFunctions

    let zeroState = Var.Create "do not know"

    let clientDoc() = 
        div [] [
            h1 [] [ text "State of zero on server:" ]
            h2 [] [ text zeroState.V ]
            Doc.Button "increment" [] (fun () -> async { let! state = addToState  1
                                                         zeroState.Set state 
                                                        } |> Async.Start)
            Doc.Button "decrement" [] (fun () -> async { let! state = addToState -1
                                                         zeroState.Set state 
                                                        } |> Async.Start)

module Server =
    open global.Owin
    open Microsoft.Owin.Hosting
    open Microsoft.Owin.StaticFiles
    open Microsoft.Owin.FileSystems
    open WebSharper.Owin
    open WebSharper.UI.Server
    open WebSharper.UI.Html

    type EndPointServer = 
        | [< EndPoint "/" >] Hello
        | About

    let url = "http://localhost:9006/"
    let rootdir = @"..\website"
    let site()  = WebSharper.Application.MultiPage(fun context (s:EndPointServer) -> 
                    printfn "Serving page: %A" s
                        Title= ( sprintf "Test %A" s)
                      , Body = [ h1 [] [ text <| sprintf "%A" s ] 
                                 Html.client <@  ClientFunctions.clientDoc() @> ]) 