
How to pass potential error between methods

我正在尝试包装 Core Bluetooth Peripheral 方法以便在 React Native 中使用。它与已经完成的 android 代码对应,因此 API 已设置。

当我打电话给 CBPeripheralManager.addService 时,我需要履行或拒绝 javascript 方面的承诺。

问题是,Core Bluetooth 没有为该方法提供回调,似乎需要 private func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didAddService service: CBService, error: Error?)

我是 iOS 和 Swift 的新手,所以我觉得这种行为很奇怪。有什么想法可以包装函数以便正确处理错误报告吗?


class BLE: NSObject, CBPeripheralManagerDelegate {
    var advertising: Bool = false
    var servicesMap = Dictionary<String, CBMutableService>()
    var manager: CBPeripheralManager!

    override init() {
        manager = CBPeripheralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil, options: nil)

    func addService(promise, serviceUUID) {
        let serviceUUID = CBUUID(string: uuid)
        let service = CBMutableService(type: serviceUUID, primary: true)

    private func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didAddService service: CBService, error: Error?) {
        if let error = error {
            // this should reject the addService promise
        // this should fulfill the promise

不清楚 promise 的类型是什么,但您需要将其存储在某处,稍后再执行。例如,您可以添加 属性:

var pendingServices: [CBUUID: Promise] = [:]


然后将其存储在 addService:

assert(pendingServices[serviceUUID] == nil)
pendingServices[serviceUUID] = promise


if let promise = pendingServices.removeValue(forKey: service.uuid) {
    promise.fulfill() // Or whatever you do with it