
Lifting a (Lens) Traversal to Fix

我有以下代码。如您所见,最后一个函数是 undefined.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DeriveFunctor, DeriveTraversable #-}

module Example where

import Control.Lens
import Data.Functor.Foldable

data PathComponent d a = Directions d | Alt [a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

makePrisms ''PathComponent

newtype Path d a = Path [PathComponent d a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

directions :: Traversal (Path a p) (Path b p) a b
directions a2fb (Path l) = Path <$> traverse f l where
    f (Directions d) = Directions <$> a2fb d
    f (Alt p) = (pure . Alt) p

directions' :: Traversal (Fix (Path a)) (Fix (Path b)) a b
directions' = undefined

我最终想要做的是在结构中递归地将每个 a 映射到一个 b。我希望我可以通过提升 directions 来做到这一点,但我似乎被 a) 函数在 st 位置声明 p 的事实以及b) _WrappingIso' 而不是 Iso 这一事实。有解决这个问题的优雅方法吗?


首先,PathComponent a p 的遍历,它由 p 的遍历参数化(并且被泛化,因此源和目标类型可以不同):

data PathComponent d a = Directions d | Alt [a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

{- Morally

traversePC ::
  Traversal pa pb a b ->
  Traversal (PathComponent a pa) (PathComponent b pb) a b

   But the following type is both simpler (rank 1) and more general.
traversePC ::
  Applicative m =>
  LensLike m pa pb a b ->
  LensLike m (PathComponent a pa) (PathComponent b pb) a b
traversePC _tp f (Directions d) = Directions <$> f d
traversePC  tp f (Alt pas) = Alt <$> (traverse . tp) f pas

Directions的情况下,我们直接将a转换为b。 在 Alt 的情况下,我们有一个 pa 的列表,所以我们用参数 traversal (tp).[=46 组成该列表 (traverse) 的遍历=]


newtype Path d a = Path [PathComponent d a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

{- Same idea about the types.

directions :: Traversal pa pb a b -> Traversal (Path a pa) (Path b pb) a b


directions ::
  Applicative m =>
  LensLike m pa pb a b ->
  LensLike m (Path a pa) (Path b pb) a b
directions tp f (Path l) = Path <$> (traverse . traversePC tp) f l

最后,为了遍历 Fix (Path a),解包为 h :: Path a (Fix (Path a)),我们递归地向下传递 Fix (Path a) 的顶层遍历。

directions' :: Traversal (Fix (Path a)) (Fix (Path b)) a b
directions' f (Fix h) = Fix <$> directions directions' f h

事实上,对于任何 Fix,这里都有一个通用模式。如果你有一个函子f(这里是Path a),并且有一个f x的遍历被x的遍历参数化,那么你可以打个结得到一个Fix f 的遍历 traverseFix',将参数化遍历应用于 traverseFix' 本身。


traverseFix ::
  (forall x y. Traversal x y a b -> Traversal (f x) (g y) a b) ->
  Traversal (Fix f) (Fix g) a b


traverseFix ::
  Functor m =>
  (forall x y. LensLike m x y a b -> LensLike m (f x) (g y) a b) ->
  LensLike m (Fix f) (Fix g) a b
traverseFix traverseF = traverseFix' where
  traverseFix' f (Fix h) = Fix <$> traverseF traverseFix' f h


directions'' :: Traversal (Fix (Path a)) (Fix (Path b)) a b
directions'' = traverseFix directions

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