带有默认和类型推断的 TypeScript 区分联合类型

TypeScript Discriminated Union Type with default and type inference



interface Single<T> {
  multiple?: false // this is optional, because it should be the default
  value: T
  onValueChange: (value: T) => void

interface Multi<T> {
  multiple: true
  value: T[]
  onValueChange: (value: T[]) => void

type Union<T> = Single<T> | Multi<T>


function typeIt<T>(data: Union<T>): Union<T> {
    return data;

const a = typeIt({ // should be Single<string>
    value: "foo",
    onValueChange: (value) => undefined // why value is of type any?

const b = typeIt({ // should be Single<string>
    multiple: false,
    value: "foo",
    onValueChange: (value) => undefined

const c = typeIt({ // should be Multi<string>
    multiple: true,
    value: ["foo"],
    onValueChange: (value) => undefined


  1. const aonValueChange中,参数value的类型是any。当显式设置 multiple: false 时(如 const b),它会被正确推断为 string.

  2. const c 根本不起作用。我收到此错误:"Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'string[]'".



创建了一个TypeScript Playground

我认为编译器无法轻易推断出回调中 value 参数的类型,因为在检查回调时对象字面量的类型仍未确定。


export interface Single<T> {
  multiple?: false // this is optional, because it should be the default
  value: T
  onValueChange: (value: T) => void

interface Multi<T> {
  multiple: true
  value: T[]
  onValueChange: (value: T[]) => void

type Union<T> = Single<T> | Multi<T>

function typeIt<T>(data: Single<T>): Single<T>
function typeIt<T>(data: Multi<T>): Multi<T>
function typeIt<T>(data: Union<T>): Union<T> {
    return data;

const a = typeIt({ // is Single<string>
    value: "foo",
    onValueChange: (value) => undefined // value is typed as expected

const b = typeIt({ // is Single<string>
    multiple: false,
    value: "foo",
    onValueChange: (value) => undefined

const c = typeIt({ // is be Multi<string>
    multiple: true,
    value: ["foo"],
    onValueChange: (value) => undefined