如何使用 Xcode 10 中可用的 API 使枚举符合 Hashable?

How to make an enum conform to Hashable with the API available in Xcode 10?

在我的 Swift 4.2.1 代码中我有这个枚举:

enum MyEnum {

    case caseOne(Int)
    case caseTwo(String)
    case caseThree


extension MyEnum: Equatable {

    static func == (lhs: MyEnum, rhs: MyEnum) -> Bool {

        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.caseOne, .caseOne), (.caseTwo, .caseTwo), (.caseThree, .caseThree):
            return true
            return false


extension MyEnum: Hashable {

    var hashValue: Int {

        switch self {
        case .caseOne:
            return 1
        case .caseTwo:
            return 2
        case .caseThree:
            return 3

现在我想迁移到 Xcode 10 中可用的新 API。我删除了 hashValue 的实现并添加了 hash(into:) 的实现:

extension MyEnum: Hashable {

    func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

        switch self {
        case .caseOne:
        case .caseTwo:
        case .caseThree:

请问我是否正确切换到新的API?我使用此测试,如果一切正常,它会打印 true 两次:

var testDictionary = [MyEnum: Int]()
testDictionary[.caseOne(100)] = 100
testDictionary[.caseOne(1000)] = 1000
testDictionary[.caseTwo("100")] = 100
testDictionary[.caseTwo("1000")] = 1000
let countCaseOne = testDictionary.reduce(0) {
    if case .caseOne = .key {
        return [=16=] + 1
    return [=16=]
} == 1
print(countCaseOne) // true
let countCaseTwo = testDictionary.reduce(0) {
    if case .caseTwo = .key {
        return [=16=] + 1
    return [=16=]
} == 1
print(countCaseTwo) // true

无需手动实现 Hashable 一致性,编译器可以针对您的特定 enum 自动合成该一致性(其中所有具有关联值的案例都有一个 Hashable 关联值)。你只需要声明一致性。

enum MyEnum: Hashable {
    case caseOne(Int)
    case caseTwo(String)
    case caseThree

// You don't even need to write `: Equatable`, since automatic Hashable conformance takes care of Equatable too, I just left it there for clarity
extension MyEnum: Equatable {
    static func == (lhs: MyEnum, rhs: MyEnum) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.caseOne, .caseOne), (.caseTwo, .caseTwo), (.caseThree, .caseThree):
            return true
            return false

您可以使用自动生成的 Hashable 一致性,如其他答案中所建议的(前提是您的类型不包含任何非 Hashable 类型的日期)。


extension MyEnum: Hashable {

    func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

        switch self {
        case .caseOne(let value):
            hasher.combine(value) // combine with associated value, if it's not `Hashable` map it to some `Hashable` type and then combine result
        case .caseTwo(let value):
            hasher.combine(value) // combine with associated value, if it's not `Hashable` map it to some `Hashable` type and then combine result
        case .caseThree:
            // you can `combine` with some `Hashable` constant, but here it's ok just to skip