如何让 ansible 查看它来自 运行 的容器而不是清单中提供的服务器

How to get ansible to look in the container that it's running from instead of the servers provided in the inventory

设置:Ansible 从 docker 容器中初始化和 运行s。包含剧本和清单文件的 git 存储库已加载到此容器中。

剧本的作用:我正在研究的具体剧本 运行 是对清单中列出的所有主机的简单查找,并将输出写入一个平面 txt 文件,我m 然后取。

实际问题:ansible 容器未 运行 处于分离模式,因此当 运行 完成后,无法检索这些结果 txt 文件。由于有一个 git 存储库分层到容器中,我尝试将它们存储到其中,但命令再次在库存主机上执行,而不是 Ansible 运行ning 所在的容器。我已经尝试了多种方法来做同样的事情,但我无法找到一种方法来让 ansible 在它来自 运行ning 的容器中执行一组操作。我该如何处理这种情况。


      - name: get the nfs mounts reports 
        hosts: 2017_CI
        become: true
        vars :
        nfs_results: "/tmp/{{ host_name }}.txt"
        host_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

           - name: "get the list of nfs mounts on {{ host_name }} "
           #shell: 'findmnt -lo source,target,fstype,label,options,used -t  nfs'
           #AIX  nfsstat -m
           shell: 'mount -l -t nfs'
           register: nfs_output
           failed_when: "'FAILED' in nfs_output.stderr"    

           - name: Store the nfs report ouput file  
             content: "{{ nfs_output.stdout }}\n"
             dest: "{{ nfs_results }}"
             owner: root
             group: root
             mode: 0777
             force: yes
             register: nfs_results 

             - name:  Fetching the output to ansible host
                src: "/tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}.txt"
               dest: "/tmp/"
               flat: yes
             - pause:
               minutes: 2

             - name:  copying file with  permissions
                src: "/tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}.txt"
               dest: "/data/web/nfsmountInfo/"
              owner: root
              group: root
               mode: 0777 

          # - name: Transfer file from ServerA to ServerB
                 #   synchronize:
      #     src: "/tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}.txt"
      #     dest: "/data/web/nfsmountInfo/"
      #     mode: push
      #   delegate_to: "localhost"
      #   become: yes
      #   become_user: root

      # - pause:
      #     minutes: 1

      # - name: git configuration fo email setup
      #   git_config:
      #     name: user.email
      #     scope: global
      #     value: 'xxxx@x.com'
      # - name: git configuration fo email setup
      #   git_config:
      #     name: user.name
      #     scope: global
      #     value: 'myUser'

      # - name: Add the files into staging workspace
      #   shell: git add .
      #   args:
      #       chdir: '/home/jenkins/workspace/TestPipelines/NFSTestAnsible/nfsmountInfo/'

      # - name: Commit the changes
      #   shell: git commit -m "Update the nfsmount reports"
      #   args:
      #       chdir: '/home/jenkins/workspace/TestSaddamPipelines/NFSTestAnsible/nfsmountInfo/'

      # - name: Set origin to include username and password.
      #   shell: "git remote set-url origin https://user@http://<gitServer>/inf-build-ansible.git"
      # - name: Push to origin.
      #   shell: "git push origin nfs-mnt-testing"

您可以 delegate_to: 或在每个任务的基础上使用 shorthand local_action(参考 https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_delegation.html),例如:

- hosts: all
  - name: run task on inventory hosts
      msg: 'this task will execute on all hosts'

  - name: delegate task to
      msg: 'this task is delegated to the ansible control server'

  - name: use the local_action syntax for delegation
      module: debug
      msg: 'executing on the control server'