如何定义抖动规则来构建 docker 图像?

How to define a shake rule to build docker images?

我有一个 shake 构建(版本 0.16.4),它从 Dockerfile 和其他支持文件中构建了很多 docker 图像。我想将所有这些构建在单个 "rule" 中,其输出将是 docker 图像。我已经阅读 How to define a timer rule in Shake 关于 shake 中的自定义规则,但这并没有解释如何定义自己的 output


 Image "foo" "latest" %> \ img -> do
     need [ ... ]
     buildDockerImage "docker/foo" img

 Image "bar" "latest" %> \ img -> 
     needImage "foo" "latest"

然后让抖动跟踪图像作为依赖项。我已经在旧版本的 shake 中实现了这种东西,但我对如何在 > 0.16 中实现它一无所知。


我已经按照 https://hackage.haskell.org/package/shake-0.17.3/docs/Development-Shake-Rule.html

newtype Repo = Repo String
    deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Binary, NFData)

newtype Tag = Tag String
    deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Binary, NFData)

newtype SHA256 = SHA256 String
    deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Binary, NFData)

newtype Image = Image (Repo,Tag)
    deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Binary, NFData)

type instance RuleResult Image = SHA256

data ImageRule = ImageRule Image (Action ())

imageRule :: (Repo, Tag) -> Action () -> Rules ()
imageRule k a = addUserRule $ ImageRule (Image k) a

needImage :: (Repo,Tag) -> Action SHA256
needImage = apply1 . Image

toBytes :: String -> BS.ByteString
toBytes = encodeUtf8 . Text.pack

fromBytes :: BS.ByteString -> String
fromBytes = Text.unpack . decodeUtf8

addBuiltinDockerRule :: Rules ()
addBuiltinDockerRule = addBuiltinRule noLint imageIdentity run
      imageIdentity _ (SHA256 v) = toBytes v

      imageSha (Image (Repo r,Tag t)) = do
        Stdout out <- cmd "docker" [ "images", "--no-trunc", "-q", r <> ":" <> t ]
        pure $ BS.unpack out

      run :: BuiltinRun Image SHA256
      run key old mode = do
          current <- imageSha key
          liftIO $ putStrLn ("current:"  <> show current)
          if mode == RunDependenciesSame && fmap BS.unpack old == Just current then
              return $ RunResult ChangedNothing (BS.pack current) (SHA256 $ fromBytes $ BS.pack current)
          else do
              (_, act) <- getUserRuleOne key (const Nothing) $ \(ImageRule k act) -> if k == key then Just act else Nothing
              current <- imageSha key
              return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeDiff (BS.pack current) (SHA256 $ fromBytes $ BS.pack current)

然后在 Build.hs 文件中使用它:

main :: IO ()
main = shakeArgs options $ do


  want [ ".haskell.img" ]

  imageRule (Repo "haskell", Tag "latest") $ do
    need [ "docker/haskell/Dockerfile" ]
    cmd "docker" [ "build", "-t", "haskell:latest", "-f", "docker/haskell/Dockerfile" ]

  ".haskell.img" %> \ fp -> do
    needImage (Repo "haskell", Tag "latest")
    Stdout out <- cmd "docker" [ "images", "--no-trunc", "-q", "haskell:latest" ]
    writeFile' fp out

这似乎可行,但一个缺点是无法 want 图像:我必须添加文件规则才能使其正常工作。

因此建议的解决方案有效。可以添加一个 "phony" 目标以确保图像是按需构建的:

"haskell.img" ~> void (needImage "haskell")