
Turn into negation form


  (i) If you can swim across the river then you can swim to the island.
 (ii) If the connector is loose or it is unplugged machine will not work.


(i) If you can't swim across the river then you can't swim to the island
     ¬ swim(across_the_river)  →  ¬ swim(island)

(ii) If the connector is not loose or it is plugged machine will work.
     ¬ [ loose(connector)   ∨ unplugged (connector) ]  → ¬ not_work(machine)

"If you can swim across the river then you can swim to the island".

我们称"you can swim across the river"命题A,"you can swim to the island"命题B。

那么原句对应A -> B

这类练习的想法是 "break down" 含义 -> 并获得仅包含 "not"、"and" 和 "or" 的公式。


  • "A -> B" 等同于"(not A) or B" (->的定义)

所以"not(A -> B)" = "not((not A) or B)".

现在我们要"move in" "not" 更接近命题以避免复杂公式的否定。外部非否定析取 ("or"),因此我们可以使用 DeMorgan 定律 "move it in" 更接近命题:

  • "not(P or Q)" 与“(不是 P)和(不是 Q)”相同

如果我们取P为"not A",Q为B,我们可以将"not((not A) or B)"改写为“(not (not A)) and (not B)”。 A 上的两个否定相互抵消,我们得到 "A and (not B)".

因此,原句的否定对应"A and not B",得到:

"You can swim across the river and you cannot swim to the island".


对于第二句,"If the connector is loose or it is unplugged machine will not work",我们称"the connector is loose"命题L,"the connector is unplugged"命题U,"the machine will work"命题W。

则该句对应"L or U -> not W".

因此,使用与第一句相同的规则,其否定是“(L or U) and not (not W)”。就像我们之前对B求反一样,对"not W"求反,得到双重求反"not not W".

两个负数抵消,我们得到“(L 或 U)和 W”。


"The connector is loose or unplugged and the machine works"
