
Proxy all sentry request in node application

我有一个 nodeJs 应用程序,我想在我的应用程序中使用 sentry。我正确配置了它,但我想代理我所有的哨兵请求。那我该怎么做呢?我可以做一些类似端口转发的事情吗,例如,所有对 https://XXXXX@sentry.io 的请求都通过另一台主机中的特定机器然后重定向到 sentry.io?我该怎么做?

您可以配置 HTTP(S) 代理。

docs on sentry.io 说:


When set a proxy can be configured that should be used for outbound requests. This is also used for HTTPS requests unless a separate https-proxy is configured. Note however that not all SDKs support a separate HTTPS proxy. SDKs will attempt to default to the system-wide configured proxy if possible. For instance, on unix systems, the http_proxy environment variable will be picked up.

有一个dedicated option for https too, if you want different proxies