无法从 START_OBJECT 令牌中反序列化 `java.lang.String` 的实例

Cannot deserialize instance of `java.lang.String` out of START_OBJECT token


Cannot deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_OBJECT token at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 1, column: 37610] (through reference chain: com.model.ProductList["products"]->java.util.ArrayList[23]->com.model.Product["price"]->com.Price["now"])

我正在尝试从 REst API 调用反序列化 Products 对象。在我添加代码以反序列化 Price sub-class 之前,代码一直运行良好。这看起来如下,

"price": {
        "was": "",
        "then1": "",
        "then2": "",
        "now": "59.00",
        "uom": "",
        "currency": "GBP"


public class Price {

     String was;
     String then1;
     String then2;
     String now;
     String uom;
     String currency;

     public Price() {
         //blank constructor for JSON

     public String toString() {
         return "Price{" +
                 "was='" + was + '\'' +
                 ", then1='" + then1 + '\'' +
                 ", then2='" + then2 + '\'' +
                 ", now='" + now + '\'' +
                 ", uom='" + uom + '\'' +
                 ", currency='" + currency + '\'' +

我已经编写了一个 Junit 测试来尝试模拟错误,但它在我的测试中有效,

    public void shouldConvertJsonProductListIntoPrice() {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        String content3 = "{\"products\": [{\"productId\": \"3525085\",\"title\": \"hush Tasha Vest Dress\", " +
                "\"price\": {\"was\": \"\",\"then1\": \"\",\"then2\": \"\",\"now\": \"59.00\",\"uom\": \"\",\"currency\": \"GBP\"}, " +
                "\"colorSwatches\": [{\"basicColor\": \"Red\",\"skuId\": \"237494589\"},{\"basicColor\": \"Blue\",\"skuId\": \"237494562\"}] " +
        JavaType valueType = objectMapper.constructType(ProductList.class);
        ProductList readValue;
        try {
            readValue = objectMapper.readValue(content3, valueType);
            assertEquals("3525085", readValue.getProductList().get(0).productId);
            assertEquals("hush Tasha Vest Dress", readValue.getProductList().get(0).title);
            assertEquals("", readValue.getProductList().get(0).price.then1);
            assertEquals("59.00", readValue.getProductList().get(0).price.now);
            assertEquals("Blue", readValue.getProductList().get(0).colorSwatches[1].basicColor);
            assertEquals("237494562", readValue.getProductList().get(0).colorSwatches[1].skuId);
        } catch (Exception e) {

如果我注释掉 "now" 字段,那么我的 RestAPI 调用将完美运行,我没有看到异常。 所以似乎有"now" 字段有问题,在这里我注意到它试图将“59.00”转换为字符串。这可能是 Fasterxml 转换器的问题吗?我可能需要帮忙吗?

产品 class 如下(尽管这是我从 API 电话中收到的字段列表大大减少了)。

public class Product {

     String productId;

     String title;

     ColorSwatch [] colorSwatches;

     Price price;

     public Product(){
         // blank required for Jackson

     public Product(String productId, String title, ColorSwatch[] colorSwatches, Price price){
         this.productId = productId;
         this.title = title;
         this.colorSwatches = colorSwatches;
         this.price = price;

错误指出它期望 VALUE(最好是 VALUE_STRING),而它得到 START_OBJECT,所以您的问题可能来自 json 形式

"price": {
    "was": "",
    "then1": "",
    "then2": "",
    "now":  {
    "uom": "",
    "currency": "GBP"

而不是代码预期的 "now": "some value" 形式。