C++ 如何从一个整数值中获取三个独立的日期值(日、月、年)
C++ How to Get three separate date values (day, month, year) from one integer value
好吧,我要求用户提供 (yyyy/mm/dd) 格式的日期,然后在本例中归结为一个函数 dateSplit。我知道我怎么知道年份,因为我知道它永远是我可以取模的前四位数字。任何人都知道如何计算月份和日期,这里是我目前拥有的代码:
void dateSplit(int date, int& year, int& day, int& mon)
// date % 10000 is a floating point value but i put it into an int to cut the back off
date % 10000 = year;
int main()
// Variable Declarations
string airportCode, lat, longitude, timeZone;
int date;
char contin = 'Y';
while (contin == 'Y' || contin == 'y')
// Ask User for Airport Code
cout << "Please Enter an Airport Code: ";
cin >> airportCode;
//Call to retrieve information
retrieveFromFile(airportCode, lat, longitude, timeZone);
//Call for date
cout << endl << "Please Enter a date(yyyy/mm/dd): ";
cin >> date;
// Continue running program?
cout << endl << "Would you like to continue? (Y/N): ";
cin >> contin;
void dateSplit(int date, int& year, int& day, int& mon)
// Ex. if date is 20150623, then it takes that number
// moves the decimal place over four digits
// then cuts off after the decimal point
// leaving just the first four digits
year = date / 10000;
date %= 10000;
mon = date / 100;
day = date % 100;
cout << endl << "Year: " << year
<< endl << "Day : " << day
<< endl << "Month:" << mon;
year = date % 10000;
date /= 10000;
month = date % 100;
day = date / 100;
好吧,我要求用户提供 (yyyy/mm/dd) 格式的日期,然后在本例中归结为一个函数 dateSplit。我知道我怎么知道年份,因为我知道它永远是我可以取模的前四位数字。任何人都知道如何计算月份和日期,这里是我目前拥有的代码:
void dateSplit(int date, int& year, int& day, int& mon)
// date % 10000 is a floating point value but i put it into an int to cut the back off
date % 10000 = year;
int main()
// Variable Declarations
string airportCode, lat, longitude, timeZone;
int date;
char contin = 'Y';
while (contin == 'Y' || contin == 'y')
// Ask User for Airport Code
cout << "Please Enter an Airport Code: ";
cin >> airportCode;
//Call to retrieve information
retrieveFromFile(airportCode, lat, longitude, timeZone);
//Call for date
cout << endl << "Please Enter a date(yyyy/mm/dd): ";
cin >> date;
// Continue running program?
cout << endl << "Would you like to continue? (Y/N): ";
cin >> contin;
void dateSplit(int date, int& year, int& day, int& mon)
// Ex. if date is 20150623, then it takes that number
// moves the decimal place over four digits
// then cuts off after the decimal point
// leaving just the first four digits
year = date / 10000;
date %= 10000;
mon = date / 100;
day = date % 100;
cout << endl << "Year: " << year
<< endl << "Day : " << day
<< endl << "Month:" << mon;
year = date % 10000;
date /= 10000;
month = date % 100;
day = date / 100;