"IdentityType" 中的 "Name" 是什么 (System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement)

What is "Name" in "IdentityType" (System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement)

我想搜索 "Display Name" 的用户。我遇到了 FindByIdentity 函数,它可以使用以下 IdentityTypes 进行搜索:

DistinguishedName 3 The identity is a Distinguished Name (DN).

Guid 5 The identity is a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).

Name 1 The identity is a name.

SamAccountName 0 The identity is a Security Account Manager (SAM) name.

Sid 4 The identity is a Security Identifier (SID) in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) format.

UserPrincipalName 2 The identity is a User Principal Name (UPN).


请问这里的 "Name" 是什么?

名称字段对应于对象的 CN 值(通用名称),在域中是唯一的。