自动重命名 Mac 上下载的文件

Automatically renaming downloaded files on Mac

我一直在尝试找到一种方法来在我的 Macbook Pro 上自动重命名我下载的文件,但我不知为何做不到。我试过使用 Automator 并有一个文件夹操作来重命名进入文件夹的文件,但不知何故它根本不起作用,就好像它被禁用了一样。



Folder Script Automator


What it really does

将脚本 Editor.app 中的以下 AppleScript 代码作为“移动并 Rename.scpt” 保存到您的文件夹中... /Users/YOUR 简短 NAME/Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder 操作/



on adding folder items to theFolder after receiving theNewItems
    tell application "Finder" to set theNewItems to files of folder theFolder

    repeat with i from 1 to count of theNewItems
        set theFile to item i of theNewItems
        set moveToFolder to (path to downloads folder as text) & "Renamed Files:"

        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
        set theLongDate to (current date)
        set theLongDate to (date string of theLongDate)
        set currentMonth to (word 1 of text item 2 of theLongDate)
        set currentDay to (word 2 of text item 2 of theLongDate)
        set currentYear to (word 1 of text item 3 of theLongDate)
        set monthList to {January, February, March, April, May, June, ¬
            July, August, September, October, November, December}
        repeat with x from 1 to 12
            if currentMonth = ((item x of monthList) as string) then
                set theRequestNumber to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & x))
                exit repeat
            end if
        end repeat
        set currentMonth to theRequestNumber
        set currentDay to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & currentDay))
        set theShortDate to (currentYear & "-" & currentMonth & "-" & currentDay) as string

        set newName to theShortDate

        tell application "Finder"
            set theName to name of theFile
            move theFile to moveToFolder
            set theFile to moveToFolder & theName
                set name of alias theFile to newName & " " & theName
            on error errMsg number errNum
                set name of alias theFile to newName & " 1 " & theName
            end try
        end tell
    end repeat
end adding folder items to

将该文件保存到该位置后,它就可以附加到您在 Finder.app 中选择的任何文件夹,作为文件夹操作