尝试使用 pythonnet 从脚本构建 exe 时,py2exe 失败并显示 "No module named 'clr'"

py2exe fails with "No module named 'clr'" when trying to build exe from script using pythonnet

我创建了一个使用 pythonnet 的 python 脚本。该脚本位于名为 main.py 的文件中。当我从命令行 运行 脚本(只需在 Windows 命令提示符下键入 main.py 时),导入的 pythonnet 模块 clr 工作正常。但是当我尝试构建一个 exe 时,我收到一条错误消息:No module named clr.

为了查明原因,我已经验证使用 py2exe 构建可执行文件(在我的例子中是一个简单的 Tkinter 应用程序)是可行的。我只安装了 Python 3.4 并验证 where python 指向 C:\Python34\python.exe.

该错误发生在可执行构建时,似乎是由于在我的 setup.pypy2exe 部分 {"includes":["sip","clr"]}} 中包含 clr 触发的。完整的追溯如下:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "setup.py", line 32, in <module>
    windows = [{'script': "main.py"}],
  File "C:\Python34\lib\distutils\core.py", line 148, in setup
  File "C:\Python34\lib\distutils\dist.py", line 917, in run_commands
  File "C:\Python34\lib\distutils\dist.py", line 936, in run_command
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\py2exe\distutils_buildexe.py", line 188, i
n run
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\py2exe\distutils_buildexe.py", line 267, i
n _run
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\py2exe\runtime.py", line 164, in analyze
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\py2exe\mf3.py", line 120, in import_hook
    module = self._gcd_import(name)
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\py2exe\mf3.py", line 273, in _gcd_import
    raise ImportError('No module named {!r}'.format(name), name=name)
ImportError: No module named 'clr'



引导我将 clr.pydPython.Runtime.dll 移动到不同的位置,包括 main.pyC:\Python34\Lib\site-packages(它们原来所在的位置)和 C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\py2exe 的位置

None 这些已经奏效,我不知道下一步该尝试什么。我可以看到由于某种原因 py2exe 找不到 clr.pydPython.Runtime.dll 或两者,但不明白为什么。有人有什么想法吗?


我的 main.py 脚本如下所示:

import clr
from name.xxxx import aaa
from clr import System

# All my functioning code, that I've verified works when run from the command line

这是我的 setup.py 文件包含的内容(我留下了一些注释以便您可以看到我尝试过的内容):

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys, os

mydata_files = []
for files in os.listdir('C:\d\Project\TOOLS\data_acquisition\trunk\DLL'):
    f1 = 'C:\d\Project\TOOLS\data_acquisition\trunk\DLL\' + files
    if os.path.isfile(f1): # skip directories
        f2 = '.', [f1]


  # options = {"py2exe" : {"includes" : "module1,module2,module3"}}
  options = {"py2exe": {"includes":["sip", "clr"]}},
  # options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1 , 'compressed': True,"includes":["sip"]}},
  #python setup.py py2exe
  #CLR.dll and PythonRuntime.dll 
  # options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1, "skip_archive":1 ,"includes":["sip"]}},
  windows = [{'script': "main.py"}],
  # data_files=mydata_files,
  # zipfile = None

如果我将行 options = {"py2exe": {"includes":["sip", "clr"]}}, 更改为 options = {"py2exe": {"includes":["sip"]}},,则 .exe 会构建,但显然无法正常运行。


作为参考,我使用 pip install py2exe 执行了 py2exe 的标准安装。这会将 py2exe 放入您的 python 安装的 Lib\site-packages 中。接下来,我通过下载 .whl from Christoph Gohlke's unofficial Windows binaries page, then using pip install path\to\pythonnet-2.0.0<version_numbers>.whl. This puts clr.pyd and Python.Runtime.dll into Lib\site-packages for your python install. This question and answers 安装了 pythonnet 有更多信息。


这是 py2exe 的一个相当奇怪的行为,很难调试。我认为这纯粹是该工具中的错误。此外,错误消息没有帮助。

问题是模块 clr 通过其 hooks.py file. It is not clear why. You can see the line that does this exclusion here.



解决方法是从 py2exe 安装中的 windows_excludes 变量 hooks.py 文件中删除单词 clr。假设一切都在其标准位置 - 这意味着删除位于 C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\py2exe 的文件 hooks.py 中的第 23 行。您还需要确保 Python.Runtime.dll 以某种方式与您的 .exe 打包 - 我通过将它添加到数据文件来测试它。这是我测试和工作的示例 - 我使用了一个非常简单的 main.py 来说明导入并确保程序确实在运行。我让你的 setup.py 尽可能接近你的版本,注释掉不适合我的系统的行

要实际制作 .exe - 使用以下内容(如果 python 是 Python 3 安装的别名,则可能不需要 python.exe 的路径)

C:\python34\python.exe setup.py py2exe


import clr
# I import clr, but don't use it as this is not my
# expertise.  The fact it imports without error means
# I'm pretty sure it will work

with open('out.txt','a') as f:
    for i in range(30):


from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys, os

mydata_files = []

# I had to comment these out as they did not apply to my test environment
# for files in os.listdir('C:\d\Project\TOOLS\data_acquisition\trunk\DLL'):
# f1 = 'C:\d\Project\TOOLS\data_acquisition\trunk\DLL' + files
# if os.path.isfile(f1): # skip directories
    # f2 = 'dll', [f1]
    # mydata_files.append(f2)
# It's essential that the Python.Runtime.dll is packaged with main.exe
# This is how I've done it


# I've left all your commented lines in - they weren't necessary for my test
# options = {"py2exe" : {"includes" : "module1,module2,module3"}}

# I haven't included sip as I don't have it installed, but I think it will work
options = {"py2exe": {"includes":["clr"]}},
# options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1 , 'compressed': True,"includes":["sip"]}},
#python setup.py py2exe
#CLR.dll and PythonRuntime.dll 
# options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1, "skip_archive":1 ,"includes":["sip"]}},
windows = [{'script': "main.py"}],
# data_files=mydata_files,
# zipfile = None

编辑: 对于任何感兴趣的人 - 我在 a chat conversation 中更详细地描述了我是如何隔离和发现这个错误的。