有没有办法在不统一使用 Update() 函数的情况下从按钮单击启动方法

Is there a way to start a method from button click without using Update() function in unity

下面是我的 C# 脚本。我使用 On Click 事件向我的项目添加了一个按钮,并调用了 Rotate() 方法。但由于某种原因它不起作用

using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;

public class Orbit : MonoBehaviour {

    public GameObject sun;
    public float speed;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {


    public void Update()

    public void Rotate()
        transform.RotateAround(sun.transform.position, Vector3.up, speed * 



public void Rotate()
    transform.RotateAround(sun.transform.position, Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

需要反复调用。否则它只会旋转一帧并且只导致 Time.deltaTime 非常小。但是 Button 组件的 onClick 事件只触发一次。它类似于例如Input.GetKeyDown 仅在按键按下时调用一次。 Button 组件本身没有实现来处理持续的按钮按下。


  • 开始永远旋转
  • 一段时间
  • 直到您再次按下按钮
  • 直到它被释放(-> 实现一个连续发射按钮,见下文)



要么使用 Coroutine

private bool isRotating;

public void Rotate()
    // if aready rotating do nothing
    if(isRotating) return;

    // start the rotation

    isRotating = true;

private IEnumerator RotateRoutine()
    // whuut?!
    // Don't worry coroutines work a bit different
    // the yield return handles that .. never forget it though ;)
         // rotate a bit
         transform.RotateAround(sun.transform.position, Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

        // leave here, render the frame and continue in the next frame
        yield return null;

或仍在 Update

private bool isRotating = false;

private void Update()
    // if not rotating do nothing
    if(!isRotating) return;

    // rotate a bit
    transform.RotateAround(sun.transform.position, Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

public void Rotate()
    // enable the rotation
    isRotating = true;

请注意,Update 解决方案仅供您了解正在发生的情况。它不应该那样使用,因为它不是那么有效,因为 Update 被连续调用并检查 bool 如果还没有旋转。这会产生不必要的开销。这同样适用于 all 以下示例:比 Update 更喜欢使用协程(在这种情况下! 在其他情况下它是实际的使用一个 Update 方法而不是多个并发协程更好更有效..但那是另一回事了。)



// adjust in the inspector
// how long should rotation carry on (in seconds)?
public float duration = 1;

private bool isAlreadyRotating;

public void Rotate()
    // if aready rotating do nothing
    if(isAlreadyRotating) return;

    // start a rottaion

private IEnumerator RotateRoutine()
    // set the flag to prevent multiple callse
    isAlreadyRotating = true;

    float timePassed = 0.0f;
    while(timePassed < duration)
         // rotate a small amount
         transform.RotateAround(sun.transform.position, Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

         // add the time passed since last frame
         timePassed += Time.deltaTime;

         // leave here,  render the frame and continue in the next frame
         yield return null;

    // reset the flag so another rotation might be started again
    isAlreadyRotating = false;


public float duration;

private bool isRotating;
private float timer;

private void Update()
    // if not rotating do nothing
    if(!isRotating) return;

    // reduce the timer by passed time since last frame
    timer -= Time.deltaTime;

    // rotate a small amount
    transform.RotateAround(sun.transform.position, Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

    // if the timer is not 0 return
    if(timer > 0) return;

    // stop rottaing
    isRotating = false;

public void Rotate()
    // if already rotating do nothing
    if(isRotating) return;

    // start rotating
    isRotating = true;

    // enable timer
    timer = duration;


这与之前的非常相似,但这次您不再使用计时器,而是通过再次单击来停止旋转。 (你甚至可以将两者结合起来,但要小心正确地重置 isRotating 标志;))


private bool isRotating;

public void ToggleRotation()
    // if rotating stop the routine otherwise start one
        isRotating = false;
        isRotating = true;

private IEnumerator RotateRoutine()
    // whuut?!
    // Don't worry coroutines work a bit different
    // the yield return handles that .. never forget it though ;)
        // rotate a bit
        transform.RotateAround(sun.transform.position, Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

        // leave here, render the frame and continue in the next frame
        yield return null;


private bool isRotating;

private void Update()
    // if not rotating do nothing
    if(!isRottaing) return;

    // rotate a bit
    transform.RotateAround(sun.transform.position, Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

public void ToggleRotation()
    // toggle the flag
    isRotating = !isRotating;


这是最"complicated"的部分,因为单靠Button无法做到这一点(没有"on Release")。但是您可以使用 IPointerXHandler 接口来实现它。


public void Rotate()
    transform.RotateAround(sun.transform.position, Vector3.up, speed * 

现在您需要按钮的扩展。它会像 Update 一样每帧重复调用 whilePressed 事件,所以你只需要在 whilePressed 中引用你的 Rotate 方法而不是 onClick.


public class HoldableButton : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerExitHandler
    // reference the same way as in onClick
    public UnityEvent whilePressed;       

    private Button button;
    private bool isPressed;

    private void Awake()
        button = GetComponent<Button>();

            Debug.LogError("Oh no no Button component on this object :O",this);

    // Handle pointer down
    public void OnPointerDown()
        // skip if the button is not interactable
        if(!button.enabled || !button.interactable) return;

        // skip if already rotating
        if(isPressed) return;

        isPressed= true;


    // Handle pointer up
    public void OnPointerUp()
        isPressed= false;

    // Handle pointer exit
    public void OnPointerExit()
        isPressed= false;

    private IEnumerator RotateRoutine()
        // repeatedly call whilePressed until button isPressed turns false
            // break the routine if button was disabled meanwhile
            if(!button.enabled || !button.interactable)
                isPressed = false;
                yield break;

            // call whatever is referenced in whilePressed;

            // leave here, render the frame and continue in the next frame
            yield return null;

或者您也可以在 Update 中再次执行相同的操作

public class HoldableButton : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerExitHandler
    public UnityEvent whilePressed;

    private bool isPressed;
    private Button button;

    private void Awake()
        button = GetComponent<Button>();

            Debug.LogError("Oh no no Button component on this object :O",this);

    private void Update()
        // if button is not interactable do nothing
        if(!button.enabled || !button.interactable) return;

        // if not rotating do nothing
        if(!isPressed) return;

        // call whatever is referenced in whilePressed;

    // Handle pointer down
    public void OnPointerDown()
        // enable pressed
        isPressed= true;

    // Handle pointer up
    public void OnPointerUp()
        // disable pressed
        isPressed= false;

    // Handle pointer exit
    public void OnPointerExit()
        // disable pressed
        isPressed= false;

将此组件放在 Button 组件旁边。您不必在 onClick 中引用任何内容,只需将其留空即可。而是引用 onPressed 中的内容。保留 Button 组件,因为它也为我们处理 UI 样式(例如悬停更改 color/sprite 等)

再次强调:Update 解决方案目前可能看起来 cleaner/simplier 但不如协程解决方案高效(在此用例中)和易于控制(这可能基于意见)。

