获取 Swift 中 AnyObject 的类型

Get the type of AnyObject in Swift

我有自定义 SkSpriteNode 子class。这个 class 的名字是 Unit1.


var allUnit1:[Unit1]?
var enemy1 = Unit1(imageNamed: "1")
enemy1.position = CGPointMake(CGFloat(StartPointX), CGFloat(self.frame.height))

// I add this custom node to array. Its not relative with my 
// question but I want to describe all of them.

if(allUnit1 == nil) {
    allUnit1 = [enemy1]
else {


// My function in gamescene. The problem starts with here. the parameter is AnyObject 
// as you see in below

getDamage2Unit 函数是(它也在 GameScene 中);

func getDamage2Unit(val:AnyObject){
     if(val.type == "Unit1")
        println("this AnyObject is Unit1 objects")

这个if条件不成立。我正在寻找类似的东西。我需要知道这个 anyObject 的真实类型。我怎么知道的?



func getDamage2Unit(val:AnyObject){
     if let myType = val as? Unit1 {
        println("this AnyObject is Unit1 objects")

现在,如果您知道 val 将始终是 Unit1 类型,则将 AnyObject 更改为 Unit1

func getDamage2Unit(val:AnyObject) {
let myType = val as Unit1?
         if myType != nil {
            println("this AnyObject is Unit1 objects")