
How to solve code conversion issue?

Public Function SaveCommentsTreeComments(ByRef f As System.Windows.Forms.Form) As Integer
    Dim IsNewSubComment As Boolean
    Dim IsNewCommentWithSub As Boolean
    Dim sql As String
    Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim CommentID As Short
    Dim SubCommentID As Short
    Dim Index As Short
    'WMB 1/28/2004 nextval
    Dim cSql As String
    Dim cRs As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim cSeq As Double

    On Error GoTo SaveCommentsTreeCommentsError

    SaveCommentsTreeComments = -1

    If Not ValidateCommentsTreeComments(f) Then
        SaveCommentsTreeComments = -2
        Exit Function
    End If

    If f.CommentsText(CommentsTextAbbreviation).Enabled And f.CommentsText(SubCommentsTextDescription).Enabled Then
        IsNewCommentWithSub = False

我在将上面的代码从 vb6 升级到 vb.net 时收到以下错误。我不知道缺少哪个 class。

'CommentsText' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'


Public Function SaveCommentsTreeComments(ByRef f As System.Windows.Forms.Form) As Integer


Public Function SaveCommentsTreeComments(f As YourFormClassName) As Integer

这改变了两件事,首先 f 现在是正确的类型并且有一个 CommentsText 属性,字段或函数。其次,在传递参数时,VB6 的默认值是 ByRef,开发 VB.NET 时,他们意识到这是一个错误并更正了它,但是转换没有进行必要的分析来确定是否需要 ByRef。由于在这种情况下没有必要,因此应将其删除或更改为 ByVal。