多个 SQL 行的 f 字符串

f-string for multiple SQL lines


   c.execute(f"SELECT Firm, Platform, `Sale in million` FROM database WHERE Platform IN  ({','.join('?' for _ in list_table)}) ORDER BY Firm", (list_table))

但是这些没有(2 行):

c.execute(f"SELECT Firm, Platform, `Sale in million` FROM database 
          WHERE Platform IN  ({','.join('?' for _ in list_table)}) ORDER BY Firm", (list_table))

c.execute(f"SELECT Firm, Platform, `Sale in million` FROM database" 
          f"WHERE Platform IN  ({','.join('?' for _ in list_table)}) ORDER BY Firm", (list_table))"

c.execute("SELECT Firm, Platform, `Sale in million` FROM database" 
          f"WHERE Platform IN  ({','.join('?' for _ in list_table)}) ORDER BY Firm", (list_table))"

如何在多行中使用 f-string?

这个问题源于本质上无效的多行,而不是 f-string.. Note that you only need to use your variables inside the {} parenthesis and not pass them separately with f-string syntax. Use triple quotes or backslashes at end of strings to use multi line strings. Link to docs

test = "this is a 
       bad multiline " #Raises SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

test = ''' this is a 
         valid multiline'''

a = "answer"

        is complete. check {a} ''')