从不规则间隔的 x 和 y 的 ncdf 创建栅格砖

create raster brick from ncdf of irregularly spaced x and y

我对将 R 用于 GIS 用途还很陌生。我有一个 netcdf 文件,其中包含多个具有多个维度(x、y、z、值和时间)的变量。我正在尝试将其变成光栅砖。数据非常大,所以我需要从指定时间 window 和 z(depth) 中提取数据。这不是问题,并使用以下代码提取具有适当维度的数组。

t <- ncvar_get(nc, "model_time")
tIdx<-t[t> 20120512 & t < 20120728]
tIdx2<-which(t> 20120512 & t < 20120728)
# Depths profiles < 6 meters
dIdx<-which(nc$dim$depthu$vals <6)
# ncdf dimension lengths
T3      <- nc$var[[7]]
varsize <- T3$varsize
# Define the data (depths,time,etc.) you wish to extract from the ncdf
start <- c(x = 1, y= 1,depthu=1, time_counter = min(tIdx2))
count <- c(x = max(varsize[1]), y = max(varsize[2]),depthu=1, time_counter = 
# order of the dimensions
dim.order <- sapply(nc$var$votemper$dim, function(x) x$name)

我的数据示例(删除 depth/z 和时间维度)

   temp<-structure(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,15.7088003158569,15.3642873764038,14.9720048904419,,15.9209365844727,14.9940872192383,15.0184164047241,15.0260219573975, 0,15.7754755020142, 15.424690246582, 15.6697931289673,15.6437339782715, 0,15.6151847839355, 15.5979156494141, 15.6487197875977,15.432520866394), .Dim = c(x = 5L, y = 5L))

从 ncdf 中提取的纬度和经度是不规则间隔的,每个都是二维的(即每个单元格的不规则间隔纬度和经度)

lon<-structure(c(-71.2870483398438,-71.2038040161133,-71.1205596923828,-71.0373153686523, -70.9540710449219, -71.2887954711914, -71.2055587768555,-71.122314453125, -71.0390701293945,-70.9558258056641,-71.2905654907227,-71.2073211669922,-71.1240844726562,-71.0408401489258,-70.9576034545898,-71.292350769043,-71.209114074707, -71.1258773803711, -71.0426330566406,-70.9593963623047, -71.2941513061523, -71.2109222412109, -71.127685546875,-71.0444488525391, -70.9612045288086), .Dim = c(5L, 5L))

lat<-structure(c(38.5276718139648, 38.529125213623, 38.5305824279785,38.532039642334, 38.5334968566895, 38.5886116027832, 38.5900802612305,38.591552734375, 38.5930252075195, 38.5944976806641, 38.6494789123535,38.6509628295898, 38.6524467468262, 38.6539344787598, 38.6554222106934,38.7102699279785, 38.7117652893066, 38.713264465332, 38.7147674560547,38.7162704467773, 38.7709808349609, 38.7724952697754, 38.7740097045898,38.7755241394043, 38.777042388916), .Dim = c(5L, 5L))


Temp_brick <- brick(temp, xmn=min(lat), xmx=max(lat), ymn=min(lon), ymx=max(lon),transpose=T)

然而,这并没有说明不规则间距和栅格像元值位于错误的位置 (lon,lat)。我搜索了堆栈溢出和其他 gis 帮助资源,但找不到类似的解决方案问题,或者我没有问正确的问题。我不是特别确定如何去做这件事。不确定从 netcdf 中提取数据时是否应该处理这个问题,或者是否应该在没有定义范围的情况下创建栅格砖后处理它。我试图找到一种方法来定义栅格的 lon lats,但没有任何运气。尝试将经度、纬度和值转换为 3 列数据框,然后使用 raster::rasterFromXYZ 函数。这对于我正在处理的数据大小来说不够快,实际上是 197(x)*234(y)*2(z)*900(time)*5(variables)*12(年(单独的 netcdf 文件)。


akima 的一个选项,首先将数据插入规则网格,然后将其转换为栅格:

    # define the regular lon lat or just pass the nx, ny param to interp functions
    lonlat_reg <- expand.grid(lon = seq(min(lon), max(lon), length.out = 5), 
        lat = seq(min(lat), max(lat), length.out = 5))

    # interp irregular data to a regular grid
    # both solution return the same results because 
    # i've define the regular grid as akima default
    test <- interp(x = as.vector(lon), y = as.vector(lat), z = as.vector(temp), 
        xo = unique(lonlat_reg[,"lon"]), yo = unique(lonlat_reg[,"lat"]), 
        duplicate = "error", linear = FALSE, extrap = FALSE)

    test <- interp(x = as.vector(lon), y = as.vector(lat), z = as.vector(temp), 
        nx = 5, ny = 5, linear = FALSE, extrap = FALSE)

    # turn into a raster
    test_ras <- raster(test)

检查 function 的参数以选择执行的插值等,使用外推时要小心!

我也看到了 method
