Pinterest 如何在我不输入的情况下获取我的电子邮件地址?
How does Pinterest get my email address without my entering it?
Pinterest 利用此处的哪个 Chrome API 或其他 Google API 来检测访客电子邮件地址?
"Use with Google"
我相信这是 Google 身份“One-tap sign-up”功能。
With Google's one tap sign-up and automatic sign-in APIs, new users can sign up to your site with just one tap on a dialog that's inline with your page's content. Returning users are signed in automatically, even when they switch devices or platforms, or after their session expires. - Google Identity case studies
这似乎是目前的测试版 API 功能,他们目前正在改进跨浏览器功能。
Pinterest 利用此处的哪个 Chrome API 或其他 Google API 来检测访客电子邮件地址?
"Use with Google"
我相信这是 Google 身份“One-tap sign-up”功能。
With Google's one tap sign-up and automatic sign-in APIs, new users can sign up to your site with just one tap on a dialog that's inline with your page's content. Returning users are signed in automatically, even when they switch devices or platforms, or after their session expires. - Google Identity case studies
这似乎是目前的测试版 API 功能,他们目前正在改进跨浏览器功能。