为什么 static_cast 不使用转换运算符指向 const 的指针?

Why does static_cast not use the conversion operator to pointer to const?

从我的包装器 class Pointer<Base> 我只想 return 指向 const 的指针:Base const *.
Pointer<Base> 转换为 Derived const * 时出现编译错误:

error C2440: 'static_cast': 'Pointer' can not be converted to 'const Derived *'


struct Base { };

struct Derived : public Base { };

template <typename T>
class Pointer {
    Pointer(T *t = nullptr) : p(t) { }

    //operator T*() { return p; }
    operator T const *() const { return p; }

    template <typename U>
    inline U staticCast() const { return static_cast<U>(d); }

    T *p;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Derived d;
    Pointer<Base> p(&d);

    Derived const *pd = static_cast<Derived const *>(p);

如果我启用转换 operator T*() { return p; } 它会起作用。

为什么 static_cast 不使用 const 转换运算符?


Derived const *pd = static_cast<Derived const *>(static_cast<Base const *>(p));


为什么 static_cast 可以隐式转换为 Base *,但不能转换为 Base const *,即使后者足以满足转换目标类型?

The standard says:

If there is an implicit conversion sequence from expression to new_type, or if overload resolution for a direct initialization of an object or reference of type new_type from expression would find at least one viable function, then static_cast(expression) returns the imaginary variable Temp initialized as if by new_type Temp(expression);, which may involve implicit conversions, a call to the constructor of new_type or a call to a user-defined conversion operator.



因为这看起来像是一个 VisualStudio 错误,我将通过模板化成员函数 staticCast()(参见上面的示例代码)来使用变通方法,如下所示:

Derived const *pd = p.staticCast<Derived const *>();

要仅允许转换为 U const *,请使用 SFINAE:

template <typename U>
struct is_pointer_to_const
    static const bool value = std::is_pointer<U>::value
            && std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<U>::type >::value;

template <typename U>
inline U staticCast(typename std::enable_if<is_pointer_to_const<U>::value >::type* = 0) const
{ return static_cast<U>(d); }

template <typename U>
inline U staticCast(typename std::enable_if<!is_pointer_to_const<U>::value >::type* = 0) const
{ static_assert(false, "Type is not a pointer to const"); return U(); }

您尝试转换时需要分两步处理 Pointer<Base>* ---(1)---> Base const* ---(2)---> Derived const*,其中:

  1. Pointer<Base>::operator Base const*
  2. 沮丧。


Base const* pb = static_cast<Base const *>(p);
Derived const *pd = static_cast<Derived const*>(pb);

Live demo.


所以你必须连续使用两次。无论如何它更安全,因为你声明你知道你正在从 Base 转换为 Derived。您永远不应该从基 class 到派生 class.
