如何为字符串列表编写 Haskell BFS 算法
How to write Haskell BFS algorithm for the list of strings
我尝试使用 Haskell 解决 "ladder" 问题。任务是在相同长度的两个单词之间的单词列表中找到最短路径(如果存在)。单词连接规则是
- 我们可以用一个替换(单词 -> 线)从另一个单词中获取一个单词
- 这个单词(在我的示例中 "cord")应该在我们的单词列表中
所以,如果我们有列表[word, cord, wore] 并且我们需要一个从 wore 到 cord 的阶梯,答案将是 wear -> word -> cord。我尝试使用 bfs 算法来解决这个问题。为了获得单词的邻居,我使用下一个函数
--(x:xs) - letters
getChanged :: [String] -> [Char] -> [String] -> [String]
getChanged cont (x:xs) ans =
if length xs == 0
then ans ++ [cont !! 0 ++ [x] ++ cont !! 1]
else getChanged cont xs (ans ++ [cont !! 0 ++ [x] ++ cont !! 1])
--get for getChanged
divide :: String -> Int -> [String]
divide word index = [(take index word)] ++ [(drop (index + 1) word)]
--word alphabet indexToChange AnswerAcc Answer
getNeighbours :: String -> [Char] -> Int -> [String] -> [String]
getNeighbours word alphabet index answerAcc =
if index == length word
getNeighbours word alphabet (index + 1) (answerAcc ++ (getChanged (divide word index) alphabet []))
main = do
putStrLn (unlines (getNeighbours "hello kitty" ['a', 'b', 'c'] 0 []))
ladder :: String -> String -> String -> IO()
ladder word1 word2 words = do
content <- readFile words
let words = lines content
let myWords = Set.fromList (filter (\x -> length x == length word1) words)
if not (Set.member word1 myWords) || not (Set.member word2 myWords)
then error "Path not found"
else do
let b = ["1"]
putStrLn $ unlines b
print $ length b
我尝试使用 HashSet 和 HashMap 但一无所获。现在我坚持这一点。我的问题是这个问题怎么写bfs?
所以 BFS 是早期编程中的一个常见问题,虽然它的解决方案并不特定于 Haskell,Haskell 的函数性质使事情变得有点棘手。那么让我们从 DFS 开始:
import Control.Monad (msum)
dfs target tree@(Tree value children)
| value == target = Just tree
| otherwise = msum $ map (dfs target) children
)。但是,当我们进行 BFS 时,我们还需要通过线程 "context",这意味着我们必须将 map
bfs target tree = go [tree] where
go [] = Nothing
go (tree@(Tree value children) : rest)
| value == target = Just tree
| otherwise = go (rest ++ children)
这是一个有效的 BFS,但有一个主要缺陷:在 Haskell 中,++
为将来的访问添加了一个条件操作,这里最终会导致 O(n2 ) 表现,因为他们会 "stack up"。这是因为列表本身是 "LIFO"(last-in 是 first-out)队列,而您需要 "FIFO"(first-in 是 first-out)队列。
在确定此缺陷明显之前,您仍应使用该解决方案。该缺陷的经典解决方案是使用两个列表 摊销 这些成本(接受 O(N) 成本,只要它们只发生 O(1/N) 的时间),但是有通过自己制作列表 spine-strict,在 Haskell 中也可以获得巨大的好处,这样您就不会构建大量的 thunks:
-- spine-strict linked-lists
data SL x = Nil | Cons x !(SL x) deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
rev sl = go sl Nil where -- reversal
go Nil xs = xs
go (Cons x xs) ys = go xs (Cons x ys)
-- finite fifo queues
data Fifo x = Fifo !(SL [x]) !(SL [x])
append x (Fifo l r) = Fifo l (Cons x r)
{-# INLINE append #-}
firstRest (Fifo Nil Nil) = Nothing
firstRest (Fifo Nil r) = let (Cons x l) = rev r in Just (x, Fifo l Nil)
firstRest (Fifo (Cons x l) r) = Just (x, Fifo l r)
{-# INLINE firstRest #-}
-- ^ we can't get rid of `rev`, which is recursive, but hopefully this INLINE
-- will eliminate the cost to make the Maybe terms and the Haskell pair. We
-- could also manually unroll this ourselves into the case analysis of the
-- method below.
bfs target tree = go [tree] Nil where
go bufs [] = case firstRest bufs of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (buf, bufs') -> go buf bufs'
go bufs (tree@(Tree value children) : xs)
| value == target = Just tree
| otherwise = go (append children bufs) xs
请注意,我们仍然允许节点具有 children 的无限列表,并注意通常应避免这种开销,因为这段代码的认知复杂度可能是早期代码的 4 倍,甚至可能对于小输入要慢很多(因为 ++
的开销可能比检测 rev
步骤和构建新的 Fifo
s 的开销要轻。)首先以简单的方式做事,如果失败了,我们可以采用更难的方法。
我尝试使用 Haskell 解决 "ladder" 问题。任务是在相同长度的两个单词之间的单词列表中找到最短路径(如果存在)。单词连接规则是
- 我们可以用一个替换(单词 -> 线)从另一个单词中获取一个单词
- 这个单词(在我的示例中 "cord")应该在我们的单词列表中
所以,如果我们有列表[word, cord, wore] 并且我们需要一个从 wore 到 cord 的阶梯,答案将是 wear -> word -> cord。我尝试使用 bfs 算法来解决这个问题。为了获得单词的邻居,我使用下一个函数
--(x:xs) - letters
getChanged :: [String] -> [Char] -> [String] -> [String]
getChanged cont (x:xs) ans =
if length xs == 0
then ans ++ [cont !! 0 ++ [x] ++ cont !! 1]
else getChanged cont xs (ans ++ [cont !! 0 ++ [x] ++ cont !! 1])
--get for getChanged
divide :: String -> Int -> [String]
divide word index = [(take index word)] ++ [(drop (index + 1) word)]
--word alphabet indexToChange AnswerAcc Answer
getNeighbours :: String -> [Char] -> Int -> [String] -> [String]
getNeighbours word alphabet index answerAcc =
if index == length word
getNeighbours word alphabet (index + 1) (answerAcc ++ (getChanged (divide word index) alphabet []))
main = do
putStrLn (unlines (getNeighbours "hello kitty" ['a', 'b', 'c'] 0 []))
ladder :: String -> String -> String -> IO()
ladder word1 word2 words = do
content <- readFile words
let words = lines content
let myWords = Set.fromList (filter (\x -> length x == length word1) words)
if not (Set.member word1 myWords) || not (Set.member word2 myWords)
then error "Path not found"
else do
let b = ["1"]
putStrLn $ unlines b
print $ length b
我尝试使用 HashSet 和 HashMap 但一无所获。现在我坚持这一点。我的问题是这个问题怎么写bfs?
所以 BFS 是早期编程中的一个常见问题,虽然它的解决方案并不特定于 Haskell,Haskell 的函数性质使事情变得有点棘手。那么让我们从 DFS 开始:
import Control.Monad (msum)
dfs target tree@(Tree value children)
| value == target = Just tree
| otherwise = msum $ map (dfs target) children
)。但是,当我们进行 BFS 时,我们还需要通过线程 "context",这意味着我们必须将 map
bfs target tree = go [tree] where
go [] = Nothing
go (tree@(Tree value children) : rest)
| value == target = Just tree
| otherwise = go (rest ++ children)
这是一个有效的 BFS,但有一个主要缺陷:在 Haskell 中,++
为将来的访问添加了一个条件操作,这里最终会导致 O(n2 ) 表现,因为他们会 "stack up"。这是因为列表本身是 "LIFO"(last-in 是 first-out)队列,而您需要 "FIFO"(first-in 是 first-out)队列。
在确定此缺陷明显之前,您仍应使用该解决方案。该缺陷的经典解决方案是使用两个列表 摊销 这些成本(接受 O(N) 成本,只要它们只发生 O(1/N) 的时间),但是有通过自己制作列表 spine-strict,在 Haskell 中也可以获得巨大的好处,这样您就不会构建大量的 thunks:
-- spine-strict linked-lists
data SL x = Nil | Cons x !(SL x) deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
rev sl = go sl Nil where -- reversal
go Nil xs = xs
go (Cons x xs) ys = go xs (Cons x ys)
-- finite fifo queues
data Fifo x = Fifo !(SL [x]) !(SL [x])
append x (Fifo l r) = Fifo l (Cons x r)
{-# INLINE append #-}
firstRest (Fifo Nil Nil) = Nothing
firstRest (Fifo Nil r) = let (Cons x l) = rev r in Just (x, Fifo l Nil)
firstRest (Fifo (Cons x l) r) = Just (x, Fifo l r)
{-# INLINE firstRest #-}
-- ^ we can't get rid of `rev`, which is recursive, but hopefully this INLINE
-- will eliminate the cost to make the Maybe terms and the Haskell pair. We
-- could also manually unroll this ourselves into the case analysis of the
-- method below.
bfs target tree = go [tree] Nil where
go bufs [] = case firstRest bufs of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (buf, bufs') -> go buf bufs'
go bufs (tree@(Tree value children) : xs)
| value == target = Just tree
| otherwise = go (append children bufs) xs
请注意,我们仍然允许节点具有 children 的无限列表,并注意通常应避免这种开销,因为这段代码的认知复杂度可能是早期代码的 4 倍,甚至可能对于小输入要慢很多(因为 ++
的开销可能比检测 rev
步骤和构建新的 Fifo
s 的开销要轻。)首先以简单的方式做事,如果失败了,我们可以采用更难的方法。