
How to mock object creation for a singleton factory?


public class XTest extends PowerMockTestCase {
        public void test() {
                whenNew(MyClass.class).withNoArguments().thenThrow(new IOException("error message"));

                X x = new X();
                x.y(); // y is the method doing "new MyClass()"



public final class LoadableBeanFactory implements ILoadableBeanFactory {
    private static final class Loader {
        private static final LoadableBeanFactory INSTANCE = new LoadableBeanFactory();

    private LoadableBeanFactory() { }

    public static @Nonnull LoadableBeanFactory getInstance() {
        return Loader.INSTANCE;

    public final @Nonnull <BeanT extends ILoadableBean> BeanT create(final Class<BeanT> beanClass) {

       final BeanT optionBean;

        try {

            final Constructor<BeanT> ctor = beanClass.getConstructor();
            optionBean = ctor.newInstance();
            return beanClass.cast(optionBean);
        } catch(Exception e) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not instantiate an instance of " + beanClass);

我的测试如下。工厂没有 return 模拟。我在想这是因为工厂是一个实例化并加载了私有静态加载器 class 的单例。那么,有没有办法模拟这个对象创建场景,或者我应该放弃将其变成真正的单元测试?

@Test(groups = {"FactoryTestGroup", "LoadableBeanFactoryTestGroup"})
public class LoadableBeanFactoryTest extends PowerMockTestCase {

    @Mock LoadableBean mockBean;

    public void setUp() {

    public void shouldCreateBean() {
        try {

        assertEquals(LoadableBeanFactory.getInstance().create(LoadableBean.class), mockBean,
                    "LoadableBeanFactory should have return mocked bean, but did not: " + mockBean);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            fail("Failed to mock bean creation");


如果您将工厂包装在抽象中(一个单独的 class),那么您可以通过构造函数注入它并模拟其创建方法。

public class BeanFactory {

public <BeanT extends ILoadableBean> BeanT create(final Class<BeanT> beanClass) {
return LoadableBeanFactory.getInstance().create(beanClass);


现在是您想要合作的 class

public class SomeClass {
private final BeanFactory beanFactory;

public SomeClass(BeanFactory beanFactory)  {
this.beanFactory= beanFactory;

public void doSth() {


然后你根本不需要 PowerMock,你的设计真的很棒。