从另一个程序打开 Solidworks PDM 目录

Open Solidworks PDM directory from another program

我想从另一个应用程序 open/start Solidworks PDM 中的文件夹。

我正在使用 C# 并使用此代码:


Sandbox 目录是一个View 目录。 当我手动导航到该目录时,它会登录到保管库并按应有的方式查看所有目录。

当我执行上面的代码时,我只是得到了目录的资源管理器,但没有 PDM 功能。


您可以使用安装 PDM 客户端时处理的 conisio link。 link的格式是这样的;



您显然需要知道 folder/project ID,但您可以使用系统中未删除的任何文档 ID。只需将该字符串传递给 Process.Start().



Where: <vaultname> is the name of the file vault <ProjectID> is the database ProjectID of the folder where the file is located in the vault <DocumentID> is the database DocumentID of the file <action> is one of the following: open – Opens the file in associated application view – Opens the configured “Viewer” application for the file explore – Opens an explorer window in the folder the file resides and selects the file get – Triggers a Get of the file to the local file vault view lock – Checks out the file properties – Brings up the file properties history – Brings up the file history