不清楚为什么带有 CUDA 和 cuDNN 的 Deeplearning4j 因 OutOfMemory 而失败

Not clear why Deeplearning4j with CUDA and cuDNN fails with OutOfMemory

环境:Windows7、GeForce GTX 750、CUDA 10.0、cuDNN 7.4

Maven 依赖项:


我每 10 个小批量检查测试性能。我曾经调用 net.evaluate(),但这给了我这个错误:

Exception in thread "AMDSI prefetch thread" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to allocate 637074016 bytes from DEVICE [0] memory
    at org.deeplearning4j.datasets.iterator.AsyncMultiDataSetIterator$AsyncPrefetchThread.run(AsyncMultiDataSetIterator.java:396)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to allocate 637074016 bytes from DEVICE [0] memory
    at org.nd4j.jita.memory.CudaMemoryManager.allocate(CudaMemoryManager.java:76)
    at org.nd4j.jita.workspace.CudaWorkspace.init(CudaWorkspace.java:88)
    at org.nd4j.linalg.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace.initializeWorkspace(Nd4jWorkspace.java:508)
    at org.nd4j.linalg.memory.abstracts.Nd4jWorkspace.close(Nd4jWorkspace.java:651)
    at org.deeplearning4j.datasets.iterator.AsyncMultiDataSetIterator$AsyncPrefetchThread.run(AsyncMultiDataSetIterator.java:372)

然后我从 net.evaluate() 切换到 net.output() 并且 training = false 并将测试集的大小从 100 减少到 20。 这没有错误。我试图将记录数增加到 30,它显示了这个警告,但继续工作:

2019-01-12 14:47:44 WARN  org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.BaseCudnnHelper Cannot allocate 300000000 bytes of device memory (CUDA error = 2), proceeding with host memory

我能理解是显卡内存不足(GeForce GTX 750 Spec显示内存为1G),但是 因为它可以使用主机内存,所以我将测试集大小增加回 100,并因以下错误而永久失败:

2019-01-12 14:59:29 WARN  org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.BaseCudnnHelper Cannot allocate 1000000000 bytes of device memory (CUDA error = 2), proceeding with host memory
Exception in thread "main" 2019-01-12 14:59:39 ERROR org.deeplearning4j.util.CrashReportingUtil >>> Out of Memory Exception Detected. Memory crash dump written to: C:\DATA\Projects\dl4j-language-model\dl4j-memory-crash-dump-1547294372940_1.txt
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate memory within limits: totalBytes (470M + 7629M) > maxBytes (7851M)
2019-01-12 14:59:39 WARN  org.deeplearning4j.util.CrashReportingUtil Memory crash dump reporting can be disabled with CrashUtil.crashDumpsEnabled(false) or using system property -Dorg.deeplearning4j.crash.reporting.enabled=false
    at org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer.deallocator(Pointer.java:580)
        at org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.BaseCudnnHelper$DataCache.<init>(BaseCudnnHelper.java:119)
2019-01-12 14:59:39 WARN  org.deeplearning4j.util.CrashReportingUtil Memory crash dump reporting output location can be set with CrashUtil.crashDumpOutputDirectory(File) or using system property -Dorg.deeplearning4j.crash.reporting.directory=<path>
        at org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.CudnnLSTMHelper.activate(CudnnLSTMHelper.java:509)

现在,我假设 maxBytes (7851M) 指的是堆大小(JVM 使用 -Xmx8G -Xms8G 运行),但我还输出 Runtime freeMemory()totalMemory()并且它在崩溃之前显示了以下内容,这是足够的可用内存:

2019-01-12 15:29:20 INFO  Free memory: 7722607976/8232370176

所以我的问题是,totalBytes (470M + 7629M) 数字从何而来,如果 JVM 内部有空闲内存,为什么不能分配所需的 1G?


Deeplearning4j OOM Exception Encountered for ComputationGraph
Timestamp:                              2019-01-12 14:59:32.940
Thread ID                               1
Thread Name                             main

Stack Trace:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate memory within limits: totalBytes (470M + 7629M) > maxBytes (7851M)
    at org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer.deallocator(Pointer.java:580)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.BaseCudnnHelper$DataCache.<init>(BaseCudnnHelper.java:119)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.CudnnLSTMHelper.activate(CudnnLSTMHelper.java:509)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTMHelpers.activateHelper(LSTMHelpers.java:205)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTM.activateHelper(LSTM.java:163)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.recurrent.LSTM.activate(LSTM.java:140)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.vertex.impl.LayerVertex.doForward(LayerVertex.java:110)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.ComputationGraph.outputOfLayersDetached(ComputationGraph.java:2316)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.ComputationGraph.output(ComputationGraph.java:1727)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.ComputationGraph.output(ComputationGraph.java:1686)
    at org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.ComputationGraph.output(ComputationGraph.java:1672)
    at org.lungen.deeplearning.net.predictor.CharacterSequenceValuePredictorNet.testOutputAndScore(CharacterSequenceValuePredictorNet.java:195)
    at org.lungen.deeplearning.net.predictor.CharacterSequenceValuePredictorNet.train(CharacterSequenceValuePredictorNet.java:166)
    at org.lungen.deeplearning.net.predictor.CharacterSequenceValuePredictorNet.main(CharacterSequenceValuePredictorNet.java:283)

========== Memory Information ==========
----- Version Information -----
Deeplearning4j Version                  1.0.0-beta3
Deeplearning4j CUDA                     deeplearning4j-cuda-10.0

----- System Information -----
Operating System                        Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
CPU                                     Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
CPU Cores - Physical                    4
CPU Cores - Logical                     8
Total System Memory                       15.97 GB (17144102912)
Number of GPUs Detected                 1
  Name                           CC                Total Memory              Used Memory              Free Memory
  GeForce GTX 750                5.0          2 GB (2147483648)     1.67 GB (1795002368)    336.15 MB (352481280)

----- ND4J Environment Information -----
Data Type                               FLOAT
backend                                 CUDA
blas.vendor                             CUBLAS
os                                      Windows 7

----- Memory Configuration -----
JVM Memory: XMX                            7.67 GB (8232370176)
JVM Memory: current                        7.67 GB (8232370176)
JavaCPP Memory: Max Bytes                  7.67 GB (8232370176)
JavaCPP Memory: Max Physical              15.33 GB (16464740352)
JavaCPP Memory: Current Bytes            470.26 MB (493106209)
JavaCPP Memory: Current Physical           3.35 GB (3601498112)
Periodic GC Enabled                     true
Periodic GC Frequency                   100 ms

----- Workspace Information -----
Workspaces: # for current thread        4
Current thread workspaces:
  Name                      State       Size                          # Cycles            
  WS_LAYER_WORKING_MEM      CLOSED       117.40 MB (123100000)        6802                
  WS_ALL_LAYERS_ACT         CLOSED        19.41 MB (20349840)         2400                
  WS_LAYER_ACT_0            CLOSED         6.23 MB (6528000)          1601                
  WS_LAYER_ACT_1            CLOSED       381.47 MB (400000000)        1601                
Workspaces total size                    524.50 MB (549977840)
Helper Workspaces
  CUDNN_WORKSPACE                            7.06 MB (7408000)

----- Network Information -----
Network # Parameters                    1432106
Parameter Memory                           5.46 MB (5728424)
Parameter Gradients Memory                 5.46 MB (5728424)
Updater Number of Elements              2862812
Updater Memory                            10.92 MB (11451248)
Updater Classes:
Params + Gradient + Updater Memory        16.38 MB (17179672)
Iteration Count                         400
Epoch Count                             0
Backprop Type                           TruncatedBPTT
TBPTT Length                            50/50
Workspace Mode: Training                ENABLED
Workspace Mode: Inference               ENABLED
Number of Layers                        7
Layer Counts
  BatchNormalization                      2
  DenseLayer                              1
  LSTM                                    3
  OutputLayer                             1
Layer Parameter Breakdown
  Idx Name                 Layer Type           Layer # Parameters   Layer Parameter Memory
  1   lstm-1               LSTM                 403000                  1.54 MB (1612000)
  2   lstm-2               LSTM                 501000                  1.91 MB (2004000)
  3   lstm-3               LSTM                 501000                  1.91 MB (2004000)
  5   norm-1               BatchNormalization   1000                    3.91 KB (4000)   
  6   dense-1              DenseLayer           25100                  98.05 KB (100400) 
  7   norm-2               BatchNormalization   400                     1.56 KB (1600)   
  8   output               OutputLayer          606                     2.37 KB (2424)   

----- Layer Helpers - Memory Use -----
#   Layer Name           Layer Class               Helper Class                   Total Memory Memory Breakdown
5   norm-1               BatchNormalization        CudnnBatchNormalizationHelper     1.95 KB (2000) {meanCache=1000, varCache=1000}
7   norm-2               BatchNormalization        CudnnBatchNormalizationHelper       800 B   {meanCache=400, varCache=400}
Total Helper Count                      2
Helper Count w/ Memory                  2
Total Helper Persistent Memory Use         2.73 KB (2800)

----- Network Activations: Inferred Activation Shapes -----
Current Minibatch Size                  100
Current Input Shape (Input 0)           [100, 152, 2000]
Idx Name                 Layer Type           Activations Type                           Activations Shape    # Elements   Memory      
0   recurrentInput       InputVertex          InputTypeRecurrent(152,timeSeriesLength=2000) [100, 152, 2000]     30400000      115.97 MB (121600000)
1   lstm-1               LSTM                 InputTypeRecurrent(250,timeSeriesLength=2000) [100, 250, 2000]     50000000      190.73 MB (200000000)
2   lstm-2               LSTM                 InputTypeRecurrent(250,timeSeriesLength=2000) [100, 250, 2000]     50000000      190.73 MB (200000000)
3   lstm-3               LSTM                 InputTypeRecurrent(250,timeSeriesLength=2000) [100, 250, 2000]     50000000      190.73 MB (200000000)
4   thoughtVector        LastTimeStepVertex   InputTypeFeedForward(250)                  [100, 250]           25000          97.66 KB (100000)
5   norm-1               BatchNormalization   InputTypeFeedForward(250)                  [100, 250]           25000          97.66 KB (100000)
6   dense-1              DenseLayer           InputTypeFeedForward(100)                  [100, 100]           10000          39.06 KB (40000)
7   norm-2               BatchNormalization   InputTypeFeedForward(100)                  [100, 100]           10000          39.06 KB (40000)
8   output               OutputLayer          InputTypeFeedForward(6)                    [100, 6]             600             2.34 KB (2400)
Total Activations Memory                 688.44 MB (721882400)
Total Activation Gradient Memory         688.44 MB (721880000)

----- Network Training Listeners -----
Number of Listeners                     3
Listener 0                              org.x.deeplearning.listener.ScorePrintListener@7b78ed6a
Listener 1                              ScoreIterationListener(10)
Listener 2                              org.x.deeplearning.listener.UIStatsListener@6fca5907

所以,简短的解释来关闭这个问题。 ND4J 使用堆外内存,基本上映射到 GPU 内存。因此,正如@Samuel Audet 指出的那样,7629M 指的是堆外内存,这显然不适合我的 GTX 750 的 GPU 内存。

来自 DL4J doc 的最后注释:

Note that if your GPU has < 2g of RAM, it’s probably not usable for deep learning. You should consider using your CPU if this is the case. Typical deep-learning workloads should have 4GB of RAM at minimum. Even that is small. 8GB of RAM on a GPU is recommended for deep learning workloads.